Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Fishers succeed only if they spend time at their jobs. As
such, most fishers have a strong work ethic, and they
admire others who earn their living honestly. Fishers
tend to be superstitious, forming attachments to partic-
ular fishing lures or special fishing spots. They have a
connection to the bodies of water in which they fish, and
they think poorly of those whose actions adversely affect
their livelihood.

d8 Personality Trait
I am unmoved by the wrath of nature.
2 My friends are my crew; we sink or Roat together.
3 I need long stretches of quiet to clear my head.
4 Rich folk don't know the satisfaction of hard work.
S I laugh heartily, feel deeply, and fear nothing.
6 I work hard; nature offers no handouts.
7 I dislike bargaining; state your price and mean it.
8 Luck favors me, and l take risks others might not.


d6 Ideal
Camaraderie. Good people make even the longest
voyage bearable. (Good)
2 Luck. Our luck depends on respecting its rules-now
throw this salt over your shoulder. (Lawful)
3 Daring. The richest bounty goes to those who risk
everything. (Chaotic)
4 Plunder. Take all that you can and leave nothing for
the scavengers. (Evil)
S Balance. Do not fish the same spot twice in a row;
suppress your greed, and nature will reward you.
6 Hard Work. No wave can move a soul hard at work.


d6 Bond
I lost something important in the deep sea, and I
intend to find it.
2 Someone else's greed destroyed my livelihood, and I
will be compensated.
3 l will fish the many famous waters of this land.
4 The gods saved me during a terrible storm, and I will
honor their gift.
S My destiny awaits me at the bottom of a particular
pond in the Feywild.
6 I must repay my village's debt.

d6 Flaw
l am judgmental, especially of those I deem home-
bodies or otherwise lazy.
2 I become depressed and anxious if I'm away from the
sea too long.

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d6 Flaw
3 l have lived a hard life and find it difficult to empa-
thize with others.
4 I am inclined to tell long-winded stones at inoppor-
tune times.
S I work hard, but l play harder.
6 l am obsessed with catching an elusive aquatic beast,
often to the detriment of other pursuits.

Eda Oweland and her family are the informal leaders of
the fishing industry in Saltmarsh. You can always count
on the Owelands for minor aid and can gain access to
Eda if the need is obvious and imminent.

Saltmarsh has long relied on its local people to rise up
and deal with threats to the village. Only recently has
the king taken more than passing notice of the area.
You are beloved by the local sailors and fishers for your
heroics, though the newcomer s to the region (primarily
members of the town guard and the dwarves working
the mine) know Little about you.
Create an event that prompted your rise to heroic
status or use the table below to tie your background to
events in Saltmarsh. Use this table in place of the Defin-
ing Event table in the Player's Handbook.

d4 Defining Event
You snuck aboard a Sea Princes raiding ship and
freed a number of captured fishers doomed to slavery
in that realm. Anders Solmor, a prominent person in
town, has been a friend ever since.
2 A terrible accident almost caused a fire that would
have destroyed the docks. if not for your heroics. You
still bear a few scars from the incident and have yet to
pay for a meal or drink in town since. Eda Oweland,
owner of several fishing boats in town, held a feast in



your honor.
When goblins emerged from the Dreadwood to raid
the area, you distracted them long enough for the
militia to prepare an ambush that sent them fleeing
back to the forest. The captain of the guard, Eliander
Fireborn, has given you a commission as an officer of
the watch.
A pirate crew crept into town one night to raid the
dockside warehouses. You raised the alarm and led
the defense. Gellan Primewater, an important mer-
chant in town, owes you a big favor for saving his

Because of its size and its focus on fishing, Saltmarsh
has never had many artisans. 1 f you have this back-
ground. you can choose one of the following options.
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