Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

In general, smugglers value survival, and then profit,
above other things. One could be a part of a larger orga-
nization, or might run a small smuggling vessel of their
own. Smugglers live the lies they have told, and they
have a natural ability to recall all the falsehoods and
half-truths they have ever spouted.


d8 Personality Trait
I love being on the water but hate fishing.
2 I think of everything in terms of monetary value.
3 I never stop smiling.
4 Nothing rattles me; I have a lie for every occasion.
5 I love gold but won't cheat a friend.
6 I enjoy doing things others believe to be impossible.
7 I become wistful when I see the sun rise over the
8 I am no common criminal; I am a mastermind.


d6 Ideal
Wealth. Heaps of coins in a secure vault is all I dream
of. (Any)
2 Smuggler's Code. I uphold the unwritten rules of the
smugglers, who do not cheat one another or d irectly
harm innocents. (Lawful)
3 All for a Coin. I'll do nearly anything if it means I turn
a profit. (Evil)
4 Peace and Prosperity. I smuggle only to achieve a
greater goal that benefits my community. (Good)
5 People. For all my many lies, I place a high value on
friendship. (Any)
6 Daring. I am most happy when risking everything.


d6 Bond
My vessel was stolen from me, and I burn with the
desire to recover it.
2 I intend to become the leader of the network of smug·
glers that I belong to.
3 I owe a debt that cannot be repaid in gold.
4 After one last job, I will retire from the business.
5 I was tricked by a fellow smuggler who stole some-
thing precious from me. I will find that thief.
6 I give most of my profits to a charitable cause, and I
don't like to brag about it.


d6 Flaw
Lying is reflexive, and I sometimes engage in it with-
out realizing.
2 I tend to assess my relationships in terms of profit
and loss.

d6 Flaw
3 I believe everyone has a price and am cynical toward
those who present themselves as virtuous.
4 I struggle to trust the words of others.
S Few people know the real me.
6 Though I act charming, I feel nothing for others and
don't know what friendship is.


Ifs an open secret, at least among the old-timers in
town, that Gellan Primewater runs the biggest smug-
gling operation in this section of the coast. You have
contacts with him and his organization, enabling you to
request an audience with him as necessary.

Many retired soldiers of the Keoish army make cheir
home in the southern reaches, and you are no different.
You mighc have served some time as a member of the
town guard. Regardless of whether you did so, you have
several friends among their ranks. The captain of the
guard, Eliander Fi reborn, is friendly toward fellow vet·
erans and is willing to make rime to meet with you if the
need is urgent. Ac your opcion, you can also own a small
plot of land and a farm outside town.

At a young age, you lost one or both of your parents to
a tragedy at sea. Afterward, you grew up relying on the
kindness of others. More important. the years you spent
living on the streets have imparted to you the skill to
sneak unobtrusively, overhearing gossip and witnessing
scenes that others would prefer to keep secret. Pick
one member of the Saltmarsh town council. T he DM
will share with you either a secret about that person or
give you the option to create the details of a favor you
did for them that leaves them in your debt. For instance,
you might have overheard thieves making plans to steal
from Gellan Primewater.


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