Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
A secret trapdoor in the northern half of the room leads
to the cellar (area 21). One of the sets of tracks found in
area 1 leads to the trapdoor; if the characters are follow-
ing those tracks, the trapdoor is immediately noticeable
(because the tracks go right up to it). If the characters
didn't notice the tracks in area l, allow them a DC IO
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Survivai) check
to pick up the trail in this room. If all else fails. the trap-
door can be spotted by a character who makes a s uc-
cessful DC l 5 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Magic Mouth. Sanbalet has cast a magic mouth spell
on the trapdoor. When a creature comes within 5 feet of
it. the spell is triggered, causing the following message
to be spoken in a loud and malevolent voice: "Welcome.
fools welcome to your deaths!" Booming, fiendish
laughter follows the spoken message.
Each creature that hears the message must make a

DC (^12) Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a crea-
ture has disadvantage on all ability checks for l hour
unless it is immune to the frightened condition. T he
creature can repeat the saving throw every l 5 minutes.
Development. At your discretion, the smuggler in the
cellar below the trapdoor might notice the magic mouth
being triggered. In this case. the smugglers become
aware of the characters and investigate or prepare them-
selves for the intruders: see "The Smugglers" above.


The only thing of note in the room is a c lump of tiny red
mushrooms growing a round a fireplace in a semicircular
formation. Otherwise, the room is bare.

The mushrooms are harmless.
Treasure. A character who searches the chimney of
the fireplace discovers a loose stone about 3 feet above
the top of the fireplace that conceals a small cavity. In-
side the cavity is a small leather pouch containing two
cut pieces of blue quartz (10 gp each).

  1. LrvING AREA

  • Aside from a large amount of plaster that has fallen from
    the ceiling, this room is bare.



The floor in the room above (sec area 14) is considerably
weaker than elsewhere. a fact visible to any who look
up and make a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check. There is nothing else of note here.


At one time a long table stood in the center of this room;
now it lies broken on the floor. A broken chair sits against
the wall between the windows, and there is a heap of bro-
ken dishes in the northwest corner.

There is nothing else of note here.

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Two stuffed armchairs stand near the fireplace of this
room. The covers of both have been torn and the stuffing
has been pulled out, but the wooden frames are intact. A
broken table lies on the floor near the north wall.

A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Per-
ception) check finds a stone out of place on the chim-
ney above the fireplace. Removing the stone reveals a
hidden compartment. Additionally. characters who ap-
proach the fireplace notice a collection of mouse bones
spilling out from t he hearth.
A s warm of insects (spiders) lurks in the crevices of
the fireplace and chimney. The spiders flood forth with
obvious irritation if any creatures move to within 5 feet
of the fireplace.
Treasure. The h idden compartment contains a
wooden box. Inside the box are 30 cp and two small
pouches of alchemical powders (5 gp each).


This kitchen is dirty and damp, with patches of gray mold
and cobwebs on the floor, walls, and ceiling. In the south-
west corner is some iron cooking equipment with a chim-
ney above. Next to it, under the window, is a cracked and
discolored stone sink.
To the right of the si nk, a small, closed wooden cup·
board is fixed to the wall about five feet above floor level.
Against the far wall, a flight of wooden stairs leads up-
ward from west to east; the woodwork of the staircase is
decayed, and a few of the treads are missing.

The cupboard is empty. The stairs lead to area 18; they
are in poor condition but still usable.

If the characters found the tracks in area I that lead
here, they d iscover that the tracks continue into a rea 10.
lf they failed to find the tracks earlier. they can pick up
the trail here with a successful DC 10 Intelligence I nves-
tigation) or Wisdom (Survival) check.
Four giant centipedes nest under the floor below the
sink. They come and go through a hole in the foundation
beneath the kitchen. The centipedes skitter up the drain.
enter the room, and attack anyone investigating the cup-
board or the sink.


' This room displays the effects of damp and decay more
than most. Mold grows in patches on the floor, walls,
and ceiling. A large copper cask, split, discolored and
empty, stands under the window, with a small heap of
crockery shards on the floor beside it. Stairs lead down
into what is presumably a cellar.

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