Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
In the center of the cabin stands a long, plain wooden
table with a bench along each of its longer sides. They
all appear to be bolted to the deck in an at tempt to keep
everything in place.
The ta ble is stained and cluttered and has an untidy
pile of dirty tin plates and cups ro ughly stacked in a large
tin bucke t below it. Over the table, hanging from the ceil-
ing, is an unlit hooded lantern.
Against the starboard side, an area has been curtained
off by cheap, dirty cloth hangings.

The curtained area contains two large tin buckets stand-
ing side by side on the floor. Both are empty, but they are
stained and dirty and emit a foul smell.
The sea chests contain clothes and other personal ef-
fects. The garments arc all stained. grubby, and in poor
condition. Of minor interest among the remaining items
are the following:

A pack of well-used, greasy playing cards (examina-
tion reveals the deck has two aces of spades)
Two sets of dice, one of them loaded

  • A book titled Grog Hovels, which describes taverns
    and inns along the coastline suitable for patronage
    by a pirate
    11. CARGO HOLD

Lantern light reveals an orderly cargo hold. Through the
center runs the base of the main mast; beside it, narrow
wooden stairs lead up to the hatch above. Against the aft
bulkhead are stacked bolts of cloth, lashed by ropes to
brackets bolted to the deck so they are secure. On each
side are stacked a large number of small casks, also se-
cured by ropes to the deck.

A lantern hanging from the ceiling. positioned just for-
ward of the main mast. provides bright illumination.
The characters can see the plain wooden hatch that al-
lows access to the bilge. forward of the mast.
Four crew members (ba ndits) under the supervision
of Foul Frithoff (pirate bosun: see appendix C) are wan-
dering about the hold. securing the cargo and takjng
inventory. They chat about all manner of depraved con-
quesis as they do. Once they become aware of the party,
they attack immediately.
Treasure. The hold contains the following cargo:
50 bolts of silk (SO gp each)
40 casks of brandy (10 gp each)
40 casks of fine wine (7 gp each)
I large crate of h igh-quality mining tools (200 gp)

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