Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
found human society interesting and observed caravans
and villages in secret. She knows about the outside
world but feigns ignorance in an altempt to catch the
characters in a lie. She respects those who show her
respect and treat her people as their equals. rather than
as primitive fools to be mocked or patronized. Her ex-
perience with humans tells her that they can be useful
allies, but she also knows that they can be duplicitous.
During this meeting. the queen makes it clear how
s he feels about the characters' behavior so far. She
gives them a lot of credit for not killing any lizardfolk
(if that's the case), or she chastises them for taking the
lives of lizardfolk unnecessarily. If hatch lings are among
the characters' victims, the queen is close to outrage
and makes no secret of it. Conversely. if the characters
arrive with hatchlings in tow, her estimation of them
rises steeply.
If the characters have accumulated any creasure while
in the lair, either from victims or from unoccupied areas,
the queen demands its return. She doesn't hold a grudge
as long as the characters give it back.
If the mission isn't ruined by how they conduct them-
selves prior to this first audience, the queen allows the
characters to circulate through the lair for a brief time to
give all the occupants a chance to pass their own judg-
ment. Beyond this point. the only ways the characters
can improve their score hereafter are by succeeding
on Charisma checks (see "Goodwill Tour·· below) and
perhaps tipping the scales by offering the queen some of
their valuables or the use of their services.

Characters Have ...
Killed lizardfolk adults
Killed hatchlings
Taken treasure from lizardfolk

Been apprehended trying to enter by
sea (see area 49)
Killed no lizardfolk
Arrived accompanied by hatchlings


Penalty or Benefit
-1 per victim
-10 per victim
-1 per gp of value
unless returned

+ 10

After the characters meet the queen, she gives them
24 hours to prove their worth and win the lizardfolk's
trust by visiting and interacting with occupants of the
lair. Successful Charisma checks during this activity
can add to the characters' points and help sway the
lizardfolk into an alliance with Saltmarsh. For the best
possible outcome, the characters must win over most or
all the occupants of the lair, including its two most im-
portant individuals.
To earn the trust of an N PC (Sau riv or Othokent) or a
group (commoners, shamans. other lizardfolk, locathah,
or merfolk). one or more characters must display their
good intentions to that individual or group consistently
for at least 3 hours. At the end of that time, a character
can then attempt a Charisma (Persuasion) check against
a DC that depends on the group or individual in question
(see the table below). On a successful check, the charac-

ters earn progress toward achieving the alliance. On a
failed check, they don't lose any ground, but the charac-
ter who made that check. along with any who helped on
the check, cannot try to gain that group's or individual's
trust again.

Accomplishment DC Benefit
Earn trust of commoners 10 +5
Earn trust of other lizardfolk 15 +5
Earn trust of shamans 20 +10
Earn trust of locathah 15 +S
Earn trust of merfolk 15 +5

Earn trust of Sauriv (^10) +10
Earn trust of Othokent (^15) +15
If the characters can raise their score to (^50) points
with a sufficient number of successful checks, relations
with the lizardfolk become amicable and an alliance
can be formalized. If they fall short at the end of the 24
hours, there are a couple of other ways (see below) that
they can get to the required number.
If the characters have exhausted their opportunities
to impress the lizardfolk but don't have the needed 50
points. Othokent might be willing to cooperate if the
characters offer her tribute from their personal trea-
sures (not including loot from the lair). Por every 10
gp in coins, gems, and other valuables they offer, the
characters gain 1 point. Consumable magic items earn 5
points and permanent ones JO points, provided that the
items have direct application for battling the sahuagin.
Another way the characters can earn points is by defeat-
ing monsters in the marsh that threaten the lizardfolk,
demonstrating both their skill and their good intentions.
ln particular, the great crocodile called Thousand
Teeth is an ongoing problem for the tribe. If the charac-
ters are shy of 50 points and out of options, you can have
the queen bring up this opportunity. See "Epilogue:
Croc Hunt'' at the end of the adventure. Slaying the croc-
odile earns the characters (^10) points.
The lizardfolk have other enemies in the swamp as
well. If the characters are earnest in their attempt to
succeed on the mission but have fallen victim to some
bad luck (low die rolls), you can arrange for them to
gain some last-ditch points by seeking out and defeat-
ing some of these other creatures. Stage encounters
in the marsh as you see fit. involving trolls, ogres, or
bullywugs. The characters earn 2d6 points for every
troll slain, ld6 for each ogre, and ld6 for every three
Regardless of how they otherwise conduct themselves.
the characters will see their mission end in failure. or at
least be seriously compromised. if they perform any of
these deeds.
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