Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Shrubs and tall grasses conceal a large, stout
wooden door.

The door is unlocked. Simply opening the door, without
making any other noise, does not attract the attention of
the guards in area 2.

    If the party has not alerted the guards here, lizard folk
    are lounging on benches and talking among themselves.
    Modify the description below as needed.

  • This room is bare except for two wooden benches, set
    opposite each other against the longer walls. A handful of
    lizardfolk stand at attention, ready to move into action.

F ive lizardfolk are always on duty here. If the charac-
ters make any noise in the nearby corridor, one of the
guards comes out to investigate. On seeing intruders, he
shouts to his comrades and then challenges the charac-
ters. demanding in Draconic that they retreat. The other
guards join him immediately.
Development. lf a fight breaks out, one of the guards
tries to run back to the barracks (area 3). If the guard
gets away, refer to the "Development" section in area 3.

The lizardfolk here likely join the guards in area^2
during any disturbance. If they are not alerted, the four
of them are performing a final check on their gear be-
fore departing on patrol. Modify the description below
as needed.

Thirteen straw mattresses are set around the room
against the walls. Beside each is a closed wooden chest.
In the center of the room is a long wooden table with two
wooden benches beside it.
Four lizardfolk appear to be gathering their weapons
and readying to leave this area.

There are three lizardfolk in this room forming up un-
der one officer (lizardfolk scaleshield; see appendix C)
to go on patrol in the lair.
Development. If the lizardfolk in this room have
been alerted, they exit south into the hallway and circle
around, hoping to trap the characters in area 2.
If a fight occurs in this room. the lizardfolk officer
in area 5 hears the battle and joins the fray as soon
as possible.
Treasure. The chests are unlocked and contain per-
sonal effects. A thorough search turns up the following
items:^100 sp, a dagger in a bone scabbard. a wooden
mallet, a crude reed flute, and a crude pewter mug
with Scmuanya's symbol (a reptilian egg) scratched
into the side.
The officer carries the key to the chest in area 4 in a
belt pouch.


A wooden table with two wooden chairs stands in the
center of the room. A wooden bowl containing apples
sits on the table. Against the west wall, a brass-bound
wooden chest rests at the foot of a single bed.

This room serves as quarters for the officer in area 3.
Treasure. The chest is locked and can be opened by
a characte r who makes a successful DC 12 Dexterity
check using th ieves' tools or who has the key. lt cont a ins
personal possessions, a morningstar, a leather purse
containing^50 ep, and a chunk of violet-colored crystal.
The last item appears valuable but is in fact worthless.


A wooden table against the north wall is set with an
earthenware jug of cider and a wooden cup. A wooden
chair stands by the table. A bed stands against the west
wall with a brass-bound, wooden chest against its foot.
A lizardfolk warrior in scale armor sits on the bed, facing
the door, as he sharpens his sword with a whetstone.

The officer (lizardfolk scaleshield: see appendix C)
leaps up, ready to fight. as soon as the characters enter.
Development. If the characters have avoided combat
to this point, the lizardfolk in areas^2 and 3 join the offi·
cer in this room when they hear sounds of combat.
Treasure. The chest is locked and can be opened by
a character who makes a successful DC^12 Dexte rity
check using thieves' tools or who has the key. It contains
personal possessions, a purse containing^25 ep, a dag-
ger in a scabbard. and a leather whip. The officer carries
the key to the chest and he wears a silver collar (15 gp).

  1. ARMO RY

  • Shields of all sizes hang on the walls here, with javelins
    stacked in wooden racks against the north wall. Three
    large wooden chests, all closed, line the east wall.

The unlocked chests contain the following weapons:
10 clubs
10 longswords
10 morningstars

    If the characters pause in the corridor near the door to
    this room, they detect a smell in the air; it reminds them
    of cooking meat. though with an acrid tang to it. This
    odor is being emitted by the roasting carcasses. Simi-
    larly. even if they do not pause specifically to listen, they
    hear chattering. muffled clanking as the lizardfolk turn
    the spits and otherwise go about their business.
    When the characters open the door. read:

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