Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Warm air wafts gently through the doorway. At one end
of the room is a large firepit in which a bed of coals is
burning. Over it are multiple half-cooked, skinned animal
carcasses impaled on spits that are being turned by four
unarmed lizardfolk. A fifth worker bastes the carcasses
with liquid spooned from a wooden bucket. In the center
of the room is a long wooden table cluttered with an as -
sortment of knives, raw meat, and sp linters of bone.
On the floor beneath the table are some uncured
hides; beside the table are two large wooden buckets.
Against the south wall rests a large wooden cabinet; its
shelves are piled high with clay pots, bowls, basins, and
drinking mugs. Against the west wall stand three large
wooden barrels. Against the east wall is an open wooden
cask containing a white crystalline substance, and three
wooden buckets. A large iron cauldron, currently empty,
hangs from the ceiling, suspended over the firepit.

. '
The five lizardfolk commone rs (see appendix C) fight
only if they are cornered. Otherwise, they escape to the
nearest barracks (area 9). whose occupants return to
the kitchen in the shortest possible time.
If the characters convince the commoners of their
good intentions, such as by offering gifts and by not
drawing weapons, the lizard folk lead them to area 9.
The basting liquid is a spiced oil. Two of the barrels
contain fresh water, and the third is half full of brine.
The cask contains salt. Two of the buckets by the east
wall contain herbs. and the third holds rendered animal
fat. All the items in this room are normal for the place-
none are valuable or of more than passing interest.
Carcasses. The carcasses are those of a sahuagin and
a shark. If Oceanus is with the party, he can identify the
sahuagin carcass for what it is. Otherwise, a successful
DC 16 Inte lligence (Investigation or Nature) check en-
ables a character to deduce that the carcass belongs to
some sort of humanoid sea creature. The hides under
the table arc from those creatures. and the buckets con-
tain the ir entrails and edible organs.


Hanging from hooks set into the ceiling are six carcasses
of various shapes and sizes. Against the south wall are
four open barrels and a lidless wicker basket. Against the
west wall are three large clay jars, a wooden chest, and
a sealed barrel. Against the east wall 1s a large wooden
cage In which squawk a dozen irritable waterfowl.

The open barrels contain apples. pears, mixed nuts, and
the carcass of a giant constrictor snake pickled in brine.
The wicker basket holds wild cherries.
The three jars are filled with light. edible oil. The
c hest is full of wild herbs. and the sealed barrel is full of
salt. The waterfowl are ordinary and pose no threat.

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Carcasses. The carcasses include those of a manta
ray, a giant frog, an adult male hobgoblin, two sharks,
and a giant c rayfish. One of the sharks has a mostly
smashed armor plate embedded in its side. The plate is
made from coral and wood and appears to have been
driven into the creature. If Oceanus is with the party. he
identifies the shark's armor as of sahuagin manufacture
and relates that animals like this serve the sahuagin
as war beasts (see the "Shell Shark" entry in appen-
dix C). Jn his absence. a character can glean the same
information with a successful DC^14 Inte lligence (Na-
ture) check.


Fifteen straw mattresses are placed around the room,
each with a small wooden chest at its foot. A long table is
in the center of the room, with benches to each side.
Four lizardfolk warriors receive orders from a heavily
armored officer. Another lizardfolk dressed in a robe
stands to one side, observing the assembly.

If they have not been called elsewhere, four lizard fo lk ,
one lizardfolk scaleshie ld (see appendix C). and one
lizardfolk shaman prepare for patrol in this room.
If the party arrives here accompanied by friendly liz·
ardfolk. the shaman initially urges the guards to attack.
A successful DC^15 Charisma (Persuasion) check by
a character prevents a fight, and instead the lizardfolk
take the characters in custody and take them to meet
the queen.
Treasure. The chests are unlocked and contain per-
sonal possessions. Five of the chests each contain a
purse with 6 sp. Three of the other chests hold a whet·
stone. a dagger in a scabbard, and a crude wooden carv-
ing of a crocodile.


Five unarmed lizardfolk are preparing this area for a
feast, setting tables with wood and stone utensils.
Several long wooden tables are placed end to end in
the center of the hall, with wooden benches running
along each side. At the south end of the tables is a large
wooden chair; four slightly smaller chairs flank it, two on
each side facing the table. Placed on the tables are earth-
enware pots, jars, plates and cups, five drinking mugs,
and woven baskets. Against the west and east walls are

The five lizardfolk commone rs (see appendix C) fight
only if they are cornered. Otherwise, they escape to the
nearest barracks (area 29), whose occupants return to
the banquet hall in the shortest possible time.
The cupboards contain extra mugs, platters. bowls.
and so forth.
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