Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Sauriv, the lizardfolk minister, offers the characters the
most direct route to gaining a peaceful audience with the
queen and a positive resolution for both Saltmarsh and the
lizardfolk. In conversation with the characters, he should
immediately inform them that it's the sahuagin that pose
the true threat to the region.
What He Wants. The minister wants what the queen
wants: a strong alliance, united for the purpose of driving
the sahuagin back into the deeps.


A single bed is set against the east wall. A small wooden
bookcase containing five books stands against the south
wall; beside it is an old leather chair. Against the west
wall of the room is an iron chest, with a closed padlock
in the hasp. On top of the lid rests a single glove. Next to
the bed stands a tall wardrobe, its door partially open. It
appears to be empty.

Any character who inspects the chest notices that its key
is adhered to the rear exterior panel of the chest with a
blob of sticky resin. The blob is poisonous to the touch,
and any creature that touches it with bare skin must
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poi-
soned for 1 hour. The poisoned c reature can repeat the
saving throw every 15 minutes. The glove atop the chest
has traces of the poison resin on its finge rtips- a fact
obvious to anyone inspecting the glove.
The five books are among the minister's favorites:

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The Politics of Power by Lucia Domici (5 gp), another
rather obscure work dealing with the s hiftier side
of politics.
The Triwnph of Diplomacy by Tyrons Scroot (5 gp),
a history of the author's successes in the field of
The Occult Properties of Gemstones by Archmage
Tenser (IO gp). This book is another ofTenser's tomes
on his favorite subject (wealth) and follows on from his
earlier book, The Magical Properties of Gemstones
(found in area 2 of the house in The Sinister Secret
of Saltmarsh). If the players want their characters to
read this book and ask to know something of its con-
tents, your imagination might be stretched! Reading
the book conveys no special advantage to the charac-
ters, a nd most of the contents are too obscure for full
A Lizard Language and Common Tongue Grammar
written by an anonymous author (10 gp), although the
introduction describes him as a druid. Intensive study
of this book allows the reader to learn Draconic, the
native language of the lizardfolk. You decide the time
required to acquire this new language. (The downtime
rules in Xanathar's Guide to Everything provide some
The Nature of the Sahuagin by Professor Gaxm (15 gp).
This slim volume contains a detailed account of the
nature of sahuagin. Jf players want thei r characters
to read it and ask to know something of its contents.
summarize the passages that deal with the sahuagin
in the Monster Manual. omitting statistical details
s uch as Armor Class, Hit Dice, and so forth, and in-
form the players that the rest follows in the same vein.
Treasure. The chest is locked and can be opened by
a character who makes a successful DC 12 Dexterity
check using thieves· tools. It holds these items: a leather
bag containing 50 ep. a Aask of perfumed oil (5 gp),
a velvet bag containing five pearls (3 gp each), and a
small vial of basic poison (see c hapte r 5 of the Player's


This open area features six floor-to-ceiling pillars that
demarcate a central area bare of furniture. In this central
area. the earth floor has been packed closer than else-
where, as if by the passage of many feet. Several wooden
benches stand near the north and south walls.
A large mattress has been fixed to the center of the
east wall. Attached to it is a large target dummy with the
head of a fish-like creature atop it.
Several lizardfolk are practicing combat against one
another or throwing javelins at the dummy. A powerfully
built and ta ll lizardfolk female stands with several of
the heavily armored warriors. She observes the training
through narrowed eyes. Another lizardfolk stands near
the leader, dressed in a kelp-colored robe and holding a
long, polished tooth.
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