Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Otbokent. I rhtos (lizardfolk subchief), and two lizard-
folk scaJeshields observe eight lizardfolk and one liz-
ardfolk rende r as they train for battle (see appendix C
for all but the lizardfolk).
Othokent is a lizard queen, with these changes:
Her alignment is lawful neutral.
She speaks Common as well as Abyssal and Draconic.
If the characters enter this area with weapons drawn
or otherwise behave threateningly, they are attacked
without hesitation. The lizardfolk in the drill hall aggres-
sively protect the queen. If the characters refrain from
attacking and call out to the queen to parley, s he holds
her warriors back and enters discussions with them.
Target Practice. The object lashed to the mattress is a
training dummy assembled from cloth. wood. and straw.
A rotting sahuagin head is affixed to the makeshift body.
which is approximately the size of a real sahuagin.
Treasure. None of the lizardfolk here have valuables.
The queen and the subchief carry the keys to the chests
located in their quarters.


  • A wooden gate bars your way, reaching from floor to ceil·
    ing. It is hinged at the walls and locked in the center.

One of these gates is located on each end of the corridor
that allows access to the eastern section of the lair. A
gate's lock can be opened with a successful DC^20 Dex-
terity check using thieves· tools. or the gate can be bro·
ken (AC 15. 18 hit points, damage threshold 10).
Tf a gate is opened or broken, the view ahead shows a
steep flight of stairs leading down.
Under normal circumstances, if any occupants of the
lair want to pass through either of these gates into the
area the gates enclose. they must wait for a guard patrol
to appear and unlock the gate. If the characters knock
at one of these gates or otherwise attract attention from
those on the other side, the lizard folk at the nearest
guard post (area 42 or area 48) will come to investigate
within ld6 rounds.
Conversely. any lizardfolk that want to pass into the
western part of the lair are accompanied to the gate by
a guard patrol, and the gate is locked behind them after
they depart.


Four lizardfolk are on guard here. An iron-bound wooden
door stands in the southwest corner of this area. A rough
wooden bench sits next to it, set against the south wall.

Three lizard folk and one Iizardfolk scaleshield (sec
appendix C) stand guard here. Mclee in this area is
not heard by the occupants of area 44, but if one of the
guards escapes, it goes there and calls for help.
Treasure. The guards carry no valuables. The
scaleshicld keeps the keys to the cells in area^43
on her belt.


  • A short flight of steep, rough steps leads to a narrow
    east-west passage that ends in a blank wall some sixty
    feet away. To your right are five iron-bound doors, all
    closed. The doors have no exterior features except for a
    keyhole midway up the left side of each one.

The cell doors are locked. and the keys are in the pos-
session of th e lizard folk scaleshield in area 42. A char-
acter who makes a successful DC^15 Dexterity check
using th ie ves' tools can open a lock. Each of the doors
can be forced open with a successful DC^18 Strength
(Athletics) check, or it can be broken (AC 15,^18 hit
points, damage threshold 10).
Communication through a closed door is muffled at
best, and it will be difficult to carry on more than a very
fragmentary conversation betwee n any prisoner and a
would-be rescuer. A character must succeed on a DC^15
Wisdom (Perception) check whenever meaningful com-
munication with a prisoner is attempted.


Where you would expect to see a floor, there is instead
a watery surface. Halfway across the room, a metal grill
extends across the space.
Though the water is not particularly clear, you can see
a shape swimming around below the surface beyond
the grill.
Above the water. the cell is bare.

The cell is divided into two parts: a shallow area and a
deep area. separated vertically by a metal grill. The grill
is hinged and locked. It can be opened with the key to
the cell, or by a character who makes a successful DC
12 Dexterity c heck using thieves' tools.
Before the grill is accessed, any character who forces
open the door must succeed on a DC^12 Dexterity
saving throw or fall into the water from the forward
momentum. The grill prevents anyone who falls into
the shallow portion of che water cell from tumbling into
the depths.
A sahuagin captive is kept in the deep area of this


cell. This creature speaks Common (from its back-
ground as a scout and spy) and is extremely cunning and
subtle. lf the characters do not realize its true nature,
the sahuagin tells them that it is a triton held captive by
the evil lizardfolk, and it offers to assist the characcers
against their "mutual enemies" if they release it. Even
if the characters correctly identify it (perhaps because
they have seen one before), it still tries to persuade them
to take it a long, offering help against the lizardfolk in ex-
change for its freedom. It is very persuasive in its argu·
ments, not hesitating to lie about its abilities in order to
enhance its potential as a possible ally. If the characters
accept the sahuagin's offer. it deserts them at the first
opportunity and returns to its tribe. (The sahuagin must

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