Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
This large, water-filled cave, roughly circular and about
seventy feet in diameter, connects to the sea through a
passage. The passage is fifteen feet across at its widest
point, and its roof is at most five feet above sea level. The
cave also connects to another cave through a thirty-foot·
wide passage in the southeast corner; the roof here is
also only five feet above the water.
The main cave has a high roof, extending twenty-five
feet above the water. Most of the cave appears natural,
excep t for a rough ledge that has been cut into the rock
running along the southern edge, connecting with the
adjacent cave. At the western edge of the ledge, an open-
ing has been cut into the rock wall to permit access to a
passage beyond. Near this, a flight of rough stone steps
leads down into the water.
The water is clear. Tall seaweed, its fronds swaying la-
z ily, covers the bottom.

Four lizardfolk hide in the seaweed of the pool.
Development. The lizardfolk most fear an attack by
sahuagin at this sea cave, so the guards are alert and
have been rigorously drilled in a defensive procedure.
The procedure follows these steps:

One guard swims to the stairs and goes to alert the oc-
cupants of areas 42. 44. 45, 46, and 48. returning with
them as quickly as possible.
A second guard swims to area 50 to alert the koalinth.
to area 51 to alert the locathah, and to area^52 to alert
the merfolk. Each of these groups of creatures im·
mediately s wims to area 49 to confront the intruders,
arriving there in quick succession.

  • The other two guards hide in the seaweed. hoping for
    an opportunity to attack the intruders from the rear.

    Describe the passages leading to and from this area de-
    pending on where the party approaches from.

This flooded cavern is roughly circular and about sixty
feet in diameter. The water is murky, but the top of a
weed bed can be seen just under the surface. A stone
path follows the west wall a few feet above the waterline.

l From it. stone stairs descend into the water.

One koalinth sergeant and three koalintb rest in the
weeds as they prepare to take their leave (see appendix
C for each). A successful DC^14 Wisdom (Perception)
check is required to notice them. Unless the party is
accompanied by lizardfolk, the koalinth attack the char·
acters if they spot them.
Development. The koalinth have recently declined the
queen's offer of an alliance against the sahuagin. They
feel great enmity for elves of all types and make attack-
ing them a priority.
Treasure. The koalinth sergeant wears a silver arm-
band (25 gp).


If the characters approach from the sea and enter the lair
by way of area 49, they face serious opposition from the
outset. Luckily for them, the lizardfolk have prepared spe·
cial (nonlethal) measures against a sahuagin attack. The
lizardfolk's reaction to intrusions by other creatures is to
try incapacitating them with their clubs, rather than killing
them outright, then take the suspicious strangers to the
queen for questioning.


Describe the passages leading to and from this area de-
pending on whe re the party approaches from.

This flooded natural rock cavern is roughly circular and
about seventy feet in diameter. The water is clear, but
the bottom is covered with a mass of weeds so that the
depth cannot be judged.
A stone path has been carved into the west wall a few
feet above the waterline. Narrow stone stairs descend
into the water from this path.


One locathah hunte r, four locatha h , and their five giant
sea eels occupy this pool (see appendix C for each).
Development. The locathah do not attack the char-
acters unless they see the sahuagin prisoner traveling
with them. If they hear combat in either area^50 or area
52, they respond and help defend their potential allies.
In this case. they leave their eel mounts behind.
Treasure. The locathah hunter carries a leather purse
containing 20 gp.
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