Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

    This pool and the three to th e north (areas 49, 50 , and
    51 ) are partly illuminated by torches set in sconces.
    Describe the passages leading to and from this area
    depending on where the party approaches from.

This Aooded natural rock cavern is roughly circular and
about seventy feet in di<1meter.
A bloom of colorful blue and green algae covers the
surface of the water, obscuring its depths.
From a stone path, narrow stairs descend into the wa-
ter from this path.

One merfolk salvager (see appendix C) and three mer-
folk a re beneath the algae.
Development. The me rfolk defend themselves if at-
tacked but otherwise leave the characters alone. They
are willing to discuss their reason for being in the lair
(which is to negotiate an alliance) only if the characters
are traveling with friendly lizard folk, or if a character
makes a s uccessful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion)
check. ff they hear combat in either area 50 or area 51.
they respond and help defend their potential a llies.
Treasure. The merfolk salvager carries a leather
purse containing 20 gp.


At the end of the adventure, there are two possible pri-
mary outcomes. Use one of the following scenarios to
determine what happens next.
XP A wards. If the characters succeeded in their mis-
s ion and an alliance is forged between Saltmarsh and
the I izardfolk, the characters receive 1,600 XP.
If they made an earnest effort to impress the lizardfolk
but fell shore, their award is instead l,200 XP.

If th e characters succeed in impressing the lizardfolk,
Queen Othokent reconsiders he r previous assumption
regarding the inability of the humans to render worth-
while assistance. An alliance with Saltmarsh is agreed
to, which the characters can report to the town council.
The lizardfolk dispatch two Common-speaking
scaleshield officers named Garurt and Vyth to Salt-
marsh to accompany the characters as ambassadors.
The lizardfolk, impressed by the characters' actions and
their attempts at righting any wrongs they committed
in the lair, invite the town to join in the attack on the
sahuagin fortress. They are well received by the council.
and the alliance is quickly agreed to when the council
me mbe rs learn of the situation regarding the sahuagin.
The town council recognizes the characters' role in
this negotiation and rewards them with the gold they
were promised in the initial meeting.
Now, the council might look to hire the characters one
more time-to launch an attack on the sahuagin forces
and explore their fortress. Refer to chapter 6, The Final
Enemy, to embark on this adventure.

Lacking any evidence to the contrary, the people of
Saltmarsh initially hail the returning characters as he-
roes for weakening or eliminating the (supposed) threat
posed by the lizardfolk. Even though any information
the characters might bring back is truly of little value,
the council is pleased with whatever report they provide
and promises to make good on their re ward.
In the meantime, while the characters are recuperat-
ing, a contingent of merfolk arrives in Saltmarsh and
asks for a meeting with the council. During that session,
they relate that they have just come from the lizard folk
lair. which is in a state ranging from distress to utter
destruction. They explain about the impending threat
of the sahuagin and the attempt by the lizardfolk to arm
themselves and form an alliance against the sea devils.
The council members realize that th e characters' mis-
sion was not as successful as it first seemed. As a show
of good faith, they share the essential facts of the char-
acters· mission and an explanation of how their actions
were misinterpreted when they returned. They also ex-
press interest in joining the alliance.
The merfolk. after recovering from their consterna-
tion. decide to consider the characters' actions an hon-
est if uncivilized-mistake. They agree to accept the
town's help in the looming conflict. Then they call upon
the council to again enlist the aid of the adventurers.
The alliance has a need for a team to pull off a mission
that could give the allies the upper hand even before
full-scale war breaks out, and th e adventurers have
proven themselves potentially capable of succeeding.
The next steps in the story are presented in chapter 6,
The Final Enemy.

Epilogue: Croc Hunt

Either as a way of apologizing for making a bad first
impression on the lizardfolk. or to provide some extra
excitement for combat-loving characters, this e ncounte r
pits the party against a terrible foe that dwells in the
deepest muck of the swamps. Queen Othokent details
the threat. telling the characters a story about a creature
the lizardfolk call Thousand Teeth the Devourer. Role-
play a conve rsation with the queen, or summarize the
conversation using the following information:

  • When the lizardfolk returned to this long-abandoned
    lair, they soon discovered that a giant crocodile
    prowled in the marsh nearby.
    Crocodiles are sacred to this tribe and they regarded
    its presence as a good omen. The lizardfolk have
    much experience with crocodiles and thus pe rceived it
    as not dangerous.
    Their complacency was s hattered when the giant
    crocodile attacked and devoured three members of a
    lizardfolk patrol that had paused near its lair.

  • The difficulty facing the lizard folk is that they cannot
    attack the crocodile. for its kind are sacred to them.
    Since the first attack, matters have grown worse. The
    giant crocodile has attacked lizardfolk engaged in rou-
    tine patrols of the marsh, killing and eating many.

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