The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
avocados, bananas, collards, black currants, parsley, rose hips, etc.

Vitamin D

Other names: Ergosterol, viosterol, calciferol
Actions: Absorption of calcium. Regulates and boosts resistance to
infections. Essential for the formation of teeth and bones.
Best sources: Sprouted seeds, alfalfa, mushrooms, sunflower seeds,
sunshine, wheat germ.

Vitamin E

Other names: Tocopherols, Tocotrienols
Actions: Oxygenates tissues, reduces need for oxygen intake,
reproductive organs, heart. Protects cell membranes.
Best sources: Unprocessed and unrefined vegetable oils, raw and
sprouted seeds, nuts, green leafy vegetables, brown rice, wheat germ,
peas, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, avocados.

Vitamin F

Other names: none
Actions: Lowers blood cholesterol. Helps lower risk of heart disease.
Helps adrenal glands.
Best sources: Unprocessed and unrefined vegetable oils, flaxseed,
linseed, safflower and sunflower oil, nuts, olive oil, wheat germ.

Vitamin H

Other names: Biotin
Actions: Metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids.
Best sources: Almonds, oat bran, walnuts, tomatoes, green peas,
bananas, some mushrooms.

Vitamin K

Other names: Phytonadione, menadiol, menadione
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