Uses in the body: Calcium is the most abundant mineral (metal) in your
body. Necessary for bone, cartilage, tendons and connective tissue
strength. (Used in bone matrix.) Assists the actuation of many
enzymes including pancreatic. Works with neuro-transmissions.
Used in ATP, Adenosine Triphosphate release (cell energy reserves).
99% of the body’s Ca is located in the bones and teeth. Plays a role
in blood clotting. One of many cellular transporters.
Deficiencies: A lack of utilization is epidemic. Utilization requires
parathyroid/thyroid hormones and alkalization.
Short term deficiencies: Muscle cramping and spasms, pounding
heartbeat, loss of sleep, irritability, tooth decay, periodontal disease,
softened bones, nervousness, back and leg cramps, brittle bones,
connective tissue weakness including varicose and spider veins,
hemorrhoids, prolapsed conditions of organs and skin, petechiae, hot
flashes, hot and cold syndrome, and heart arrhythmias. Plays a role
in muscular contraction. Use is regulated by parathyroid hormone
and vitamin D. Builds bones and teeth. Normalizes heart action,
nerve irritability, blood coagulation, normalizes metabolism. Calcium
neutralizes excessive serum histamines. Increased calcium
consumption can increase calcitonin production by the thyroid gland
(C-cells). This actually inhibits bone reabsorption, thus creating the
opposite effect of rebuilding your bones. Lead interferes with
calcium utilization.
Long term deficiencies: Osteoporosis, scoliosis, rickets and diseases
involving the loss of calcium from the bones or the failure of
growing bones to have enough calcium for strength and proper
growth. Stunted growth. Also, arthritis and depression.
Toxicity: Acidosis, bone spurs, kidney stones, stenosis issues, and
calcium deposits in tissues. Also possibly hypertension, confusion,
nausea and vomiting.
Carbon (C)
Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming
Food sources: Air, carbohydrates, sugars, fruits and vegetables, nuts,
olives and avocados.
Uses in the body: Main source of energy. A component of