The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
shortness of breath.

Potassium (K)

Acid/Alkaline: Alkaline-forming
Food sources: All fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones.
Kelp, dulse, seeds, figs, celery, mushrooms, dried fruits, potatoes,
avocados, broccoli, legumes, papaya, raisins, brown rice, Brussels
sprouts, bananas, and watermelon.
Toxic sources: Prescription drugs, especially some diuretics, can cause
excessive potassium loss from the body. Also, chronic diarrhea and
diabetic acidosis.
Note: Excess Vitamin D can contribute to potassium loss and the
suppression of thyroid function. Same with PABA supplementation.
Also, potassium deficiency (or loss) is also affected by magnesium,
zinc, and iron deficiency.
Deficiency: Heart arrhythmias, shortness of breath, weakness in muscles,
poor digestion and utilization. Slowed growth, paralysis, sterility,
mental apathy and confusion, kidney damage. Dry skin, acne, chills,
insomnia, decreased reflex response, glucose intolerance. Potassium
deficiency can occur with chronic diarrhea, vomiting, diabetic
acidosis, kidney disease, or prolonged use of laxatives or diuretics.
Uses in the body: Balances body fluids, regulates nervous and muscular
irritability. Aids in formation of glycogen from glucose, fats from
glycogen, proteins from peptones and proteases. May cure acne,
allergies, alcoholism, heart disease and help to heal burns.
Toxicity: Excess intake of potassium can cause high concentration of the
element in blood, disturbances in heart and kidney function, and
alterations in fluid balance. Fatalities may result when high levels of
potassium in the bloodstream cause heart attacks.
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