The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
several enzymes.
Deficiency: Anemia, muscle deterioration, hypertension, liver and kidney
damage, zinc deficiency, arthritis, pneumonitis, vomiting, diarrhea,
loss of calcium in bones, deterioration of heart and blood vessel
structures, prostration, emphysema.
Toxicity: Cadmium is not excreted from the body and can accumulate
over time to toxic levels. Excessive intake occurs when soft water
leaches cadmium from pipes. Hypertension, kidney damage, loss of
sense of smell (anosmia). Studies show that alcohol increases the
retention of heavy metals such as cadmium.

Chromium (Cr)

Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming
Food sources: Natural water sources, mushrooms, sugar cane, brewer’s
yeast, molasses, spices and herbs.
Toxic sources: Industry leather tanning processes, raw cement and wood
Note: Scientists estimate that 90% of Americans don’t get enough
chromium and that 60% are diabetic or hypoglycemic.
Uses in the body: Master regulator of insulin. The average body contains
about 600 meg. of chromium with the highest concentration
occurring during infancy. The main function of chromium is as a
component of glucose tolerance factor (GTF), a substance that works
with insulin to facilitate the uptake of blood sugar (glucose) into the
cells. Needed for energy, thyroid, spleen. Aids carbohydrate
metabolism. Works with insulin in glucose utilization and energy
release. Chromium deficient diseases are aggravated by vanadium
Deficiency: Hypoglycemia, diabetes. Possible sleep and dream
disturbances, anxiety, fatigue, shortened life span. Industrial
chromium has carcinogenic effects upon the lungs and can cause
bronchial inflammation, skin ulcerations, and conditions have been
observed in cerebral hemorrhage and thrombosis.
Toxicity: Excess intake or tissue accumulation of chromium can inhibit
rather than enhance the effectiveness of insulin. At extremely high
levels, it may encourage the growth of cancer. Kidney and liver
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