The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
deficiency may cause anemia or low red blood cell counts,
constipation, mouth soreness, brittle nails, pale skin or difficulty in
breathing. Other possible symptoms could be food cravings for
“nonfood items” such as ice, clay or starch, heart disease, impaired
mental skills. Can affect job performance, mood and memory.
Increases intestinal irritation and inflammation.
Toxicity: Taking too much iron can cause unhealthy iron deposits in the
body, and can lead to the production of free radicals. The buildup of
iron in the tissues has been associated with a rare disease known as
hemochromatosis. Overdoses can cause bleeding from the stomach
or intestines, a drop in blood pressure, liver damage, reduced
resistance to infections, and could be fatal for young children.

Lead (Pb)

Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming
Food sources: Food and plants grown in soil contaminated with lead.
Toxic sources: Lead is ingested from a variety of sources including
fresh and canned food, water, lead-based paint, lead-glazed pottery,
hair dyes, air pollution, car exhaust, tobacco smoke, on the solder of
tin cans, fumes from gasoline vapors while filling your gas tanks are
full of lead. Lead is a protoplasmic poison found in bleached white
sugar. Foods that help to detox lead: Pumpkin seeds, okra, rhubarb
root, cayenne pepper, peppermint, dulse, leafy greens and fruits.
Note: Watch out for copper and aluminum cookware and storing acid-
foods in metal containers.
Uses in the body: Unknown. Lead interferes with hemoglobin formation
and can create iron deficiency anemia. Lead is a protoplasmic poison,
which means it interferes with the proper life-energy enzyme
exchange in the living body.
Deficiency: Lead is one of the most common and persistent neurotoxins
in the environment. Causes damage even at low levels. Lack of will
power, fatigue, lack of abstract thinking, allergies, anemia,
headaches, weakness, hyperactivity in children, brain dysfunction,
causes behavioral and learning problems, especially in children. Lead
settles in the brain, nerves, bones and the right kidney.
Toxicity: Impaired nervous system (which can result in behavioral
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