problems such as hyperactivity in children), anemia, weakness,
muscle deterioration, lethargy, mental impairment, abdominal
discomfort, constipation, lack of will power, lack of abstract
thinking, lack of mental capacity, tooth decay, allergic reactions to
food and environment, increases in diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
Lithium (Li)
Acid//Alkaline: Alkaline-forming
Food sources: Kelp/dulse, whole grain foods, seeds.
Uses in the body: Reduces aggressiveness, violence and self-destruction.
Deficiency: Depression, manic depressive disorders, mania, suicide,
spousal and child abuse.
Toxicity: Tremors, drowsiness, headaches, confusion, restlessness,
dizziness, psychomotor retardation, lethargy, coma.
Manganese (Mn)
Acid/Alkaline: Alkaline-binding
Food sources: All dark leafy green vegetables, spinach, bananas, beets,
blueberries, oranges, grapefruit, apricots, peas, kelp and other
seaweed, celery, legumes, nuts, grains, asparagus, pineapples.
Toxic sources: Industrially inhaled manganese has been linked to
psychiatric and nervous disorders!
Uses in the body: Thyroxine formation, formation of urea, lipotropic
activity of choline. Utilization of thiamine. Metabolism of
carbohydrates, strengthens tissues and bones, kidneys, liver,
pancreas, spleen, brain, heart and lymph. Works with neuro-
transmitters and energy metabolism. Component of bone and
cartilage formation. Activates many enzymes including pyruvate,
carboxylase, mitochondrial superoxide, arginase and dismutase.
Essential to catecholamine synthesis. Helps fertility and reproduction,
helps growth and sex hormone production, helps regulate blood
sugar and helps the body use proteins and carbohydrates.
Deficiency: Rare. Atherosclerosis, confusion, tremors, impaired vision
and hearing, skin rash, elevated cholesterol, increased blood
pressure, irritability, pancreatic damage, sweating, increased heart