The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

“Phyto” means “plant.” Phytochemicals refer to the thousands of compounds
naturally contained within plants and fruits. This module will list and explain
some of these, but keep in mind that this is only a partial list. New ones are
being found every day, as humans will forever be discovering God.

The chemistry of food is somewhat complex when you realize that many
compounds work synergistically, while many biotransmute (change) into
other constituents and simpler compounds. Most people focus mainly on the
vitamin and mineral content of a food, ignoring this long list of other
properties and elements that are just as vital to the health of the body.

Plant amino acids are more energetic and easy for your body to break
down and use, which is why raw foodists who eat a balanced variety of
fruits, vegetables and nuts are never deficient in amino acids necessary for
health. Meat, on the other hand, requires a more radical and energy-robbing
digestive process to obtain the amino acids that comprise it. The other
important factor here is that meat protein leaves an acid reaction in the body
creating more acidosis, whereas vegetables leave an alkaline reaction in your
body curing acidosis. Your body requires live foods, full of phytochemicals,
to make it alive.

Some phytochemicals are noteworthy for their antioxidant properties,
other phytochemicals are valuable as astringents. Because of the importance
of these two properties in detoxification we will look at them a bit more


Antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, chlorogenic acid, gamma-
terpinenes, quercetin, lutein, proanthosyanidins, rutin, hesperidin, vitamin A
and vitamin E (tocopherols), to name a few.

These agents protect cells from highly oxidative free radicals. Free
radicals are highly reactive and destructive compounds, which are by-
products of metabolism, radiation therapy, tissue infractions, chemicals and
foreign protein ingestion. Oxidative free radicals can damage cell membrane
walls, cellular mitochondria and cellular proteins. This affects energy
transport and the DNA itself, leading to cellular mutations. Free radicals also
destroy enzymes, the key to all chemistry changes. Many vitamins act as

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