electrolytes. These non-toxic salts are then passed from the body through the
kidneys. This neutralizing effect is vital because of the highly toxic and
damaging effects these acids have upon the tissues of your body.
The pH balance—the balance of alkalies to acids—within the body is vital,
and should be approximately 80 percent alkaline to 20 percent acidic. If we
become too acidic from diet and lifestyle, we create too much of an anionic
condition in the body, causing stone formation and inflammation. To reverse
this is to alkalize, which is cationic and anti-inflammatory. This will break
apart and liquefy calcium deposits, cellulite and lipid stones. These deposits
can form or accumulate anywhere in the body, especially in the liver,
gallbladder and kidneys. This alkalization and neutralization of acids requires
the alkaline electrolytes. If you’re not eating a diet rich in raw fruits and
vegetables, you’re not getting enough of these vital electrolytes. This
compounds the over-acid condition within the body and creates dehydration.
acids and alkalies
Acids burn and inflame tissues causing tissue failure.
Alkalies are cool and are anti-inflammatory to tissues.
Acids can destroy tissues (cells).
Alkalies can heal tissues.
In an acid medium, nutrients become anionic (coagulate).
In an alkaline medium, nutrients become cationic (disperse).
Acidosis creates bonding of fats, minerals, and other constituents creating
stones of all types, including liver, gallbladder and kidney stones. It also
creates the adhesion of blood cells and platelets. All this causes cellular
starvation (through lack of nutrient utilization), strokes, and the like.
Acidosis and congestion (toxicity and mucus) is the root cause of 99.9%
of all diseases.
Some foods (carbohydrates) require alkaline digestive juices to be broken
down; others (protein) require gastric acid juices.
Nothing truly stands still. Creation is always in a state of flux. Atoms are
always moving and changing. The question that should be asked is: “What
makes things change?” First we could say our emotions, our desires, our likes