The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

ionized and become acidic. However, nature must take an element and
dispense it through the body, then make it useable. Calcium must first be
dispersible in blood serum. Then it has to combine with other elements and
become a building material. Too much ionized calcium will cause stone
formation, bone spurs, and the like. Excessive ionized calcium must be
converted back by alkalization/oxidation to its original electrolyte form, or be
converted into a salt for easy elimination.


The body uses what you eat to create new tissue, or to break down (or
change) existing tissue. You can begin to see through ingestion and digestion
that the body takes more complex compounds and elements, and breaks them
down into their simplest forms. Cells have very small pores that only allow
simple structures to enter. Simple constituents become the catalysts of life,
creating action and reaction throughout your body and the universe. This is
true biological transmutation, or God changing itself, creating the new and
destroying the old.

Alkalies create anabolism—the building, rebuilding, growing and creating
aspects of life. (This cannot take place without catabolism).

Acids create catabolism—the tearing down, breaking apart, and the
destroying aspects of nature. (This cannot take place without anabolism).

Alkalinity disperses, moves and cleans the body; whereas acids
coagulate, form masses and stagnate the body. As stated earlier,
alkalization is the key to regeneration. The more anionic you become, the
more acidic you become, causing acidosis. Acidosis causes malnutrition,
inflammation, stone formation, pain, electrolyte depletion (dehydration),
swelling, convulsions and death. On the other hand, most fruits, vegetables
and herbs are alkaline-forming. Nature seems to favor alkaline (cationic)

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