The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1




Digestion is necessary because the body can only use simple amino acids—
the kinds that are found abundantly in vegetables and nuts. The liver can also
produce its own amino acids and can synthesize even smaller nitrogen-
containing compounds. The proteins found in meat must be broken down
(hydrolyzed) into simple amino acids before the body can truly use them. I
call meat “second-hand protein” because of the extensive digestion process
needed to break down the “building” into simple “building blocks” or amino
acids. Fruits, vegetables and nuts are much simpler for the body to break
down, as these are basic amino-acid structures. It has been proven that a
vegetable diet supplies more available nitrogen than a meat diet.

It is important to understand that nutrients act differently in an anionic
(acid) environment versus a cationic (alkaline) environment. Amino acids
become free agents for growth, maintenance and repair in an alkaline or
cationic environment. In an anionic (acidic) environment they tend to bind
with minerals, metals and fats, causing further toxic conditions in the body.
This creates a loss of available amino acids, starving your body for building
materials. You can eat all the proteins you want; however, your body cannot
rebuild itself properly without proper bio-availability of amino acids.

“Bulk” type muscles, put on by high protein diets, will be lost during
detoxification, as these are “stacked” amino acids not necessary to normal
body functions. When protein breaks down, it creates sulfuric and
phosphoric acids, which are highly toxic and damaging to tissue. It burns up
our electrolytes to convert these acids into salts (ionization), thus neutralizing
their damaging effects. Carbohydrates and fats create lactic and acetic acids,
which require the same process, but are not as damaging. This is why we
must replenish our electrolytes daily. The ionization and alkalization process
is vital if you wish to save your kidneys, liver and other tissues in your body.
Those who deplete their electrolytes without replenishing them fall into heavy
aci-dosis, which can cause convulsions, coma and death. Cancer and other
highly acidic conditions of the body use sodium and other alkalizing

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