The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
within these animals, just as it does within humans.
High protein diets lower manganese levels resulting in spasms,
convulsions, neurotransmitter issues (myasthenia, S.O.B., heart
arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation, etc.), neuromuscular problems,
Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease.
Meat is full of dead blood cells (hemoglobin), which are full of iron.
However, iron is a mineral, which if consumed in abundance can become
toxic, especially oxidized iron (not plant iron). Iron toxicity creates a
multitude of reactions within the body, including:
Decrease in chromium (needed in insulin transport issues)
Decrease in zinc (needed in insulin and energy production)
Damage to liver, pancreatic and kidney tissue
Lowering of calcium and calcium absorption and utilization
Increase in sodium levels (hence creating edema)
Increase in nitrogen and phosphorous levels (thus increasing acidosis)
Dizziness, equilibrium and spastic conditions by decreasing manganese
Meat eating leads to high blood pressure from sodium retention and lipid
Meat eating with vitamin C supplementation enhances iron absorption,
thereby magnifying iron toxicity
Red meat eating is linked to the increase of N-Nitroso compounds from
intestinal bacteria, which can be cancer-causing to the intestinal walls.
Meat eating is known to be one of the chief and most direct causes of
tooth decay.
These are just a few examples of why high animal-protein diets are
destroying the human race. Wake up and enjoy life without animal
products. Your body will love you for it, as it becomes odor-free and
vibrant. Love your planet and its animals too.


There is a myth about the need for “complete” amino acids or “complete
proteins” in the human diet. We have struggled with this misinformation for
years. Basically, the misinformation says that unless you eat foods containing
all the essential amino acids in one meal you will not have what you need to
create a “complete protein” and therefore your body will be protein deficient.
This is one of the primary arguments for the consumption of meat and dairy

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