The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

(lymphatic) and chemical accumulations. This is invaluable in
helping you to address your glandular or organ weaknesses. For this
I recommend an herbal (formula) program. Use herbs to address
your cellular weaknesses and to move and clean your lymphatic
system, GI tract, and lungs. (See Resource Guide for herbal
companies that supply such formulas.)
Almost 100 percent of homo sapiens have glandular weaknesses.
Begin this process by taking the “What Is Your Body Telling You” Self-
Assessment Questionnaire found in Chapter 5 to determine yours.

Use the Basal Temperature Study Test (found in Appendix A) for
thyroid function to determine your level of thyroid function. This is
extremely important when considering calcium utilization and

If you have high or especially low blood pressure, you know you
have adrenal gland weakness. Again, check your Self-Assessment
Questionnaire to determine other side effects of adrenal gland

  1. Always “move” your lymph system. Everyone has a stagnant lymph
    system to one degree or another. All your cells need to eat and
    excrete, and your lymph system is your sewer system. Your lymph
    nodes are your septic tanks. Keep them cleaned out! Use an herbal
    formula for your kidneys and eat lots of fruits. Clean and enhance
    your GI tract with raw foods and a restorative intestinal herbal
    formula. Avoid laxatives or purgatives, acidophilus, bifidophilus, or
    any other intestinal flora. Your intestinal flora will restore itself.
    Exercise (like walking or swimming) is extremely important in
    moving your lymph system, especially in your lower extremities.
    Let yourself sweat! Your skin is your largest eliminative organ. Keep
    it clean and stimulated with skin brushing, regular as well as hot-and-cold
    showers, and by sweating.

  2. You will want to spend a month on an herbal parasite formula (see
    Resource Guide at the back of this book to find excellent herbal
    companies that carry these). This will help get rid of the larger
    worms, flukes, etc. It will also help reduce your microorganisms
    (candida, bacterias, etc.) that affect your desire for foods.

  3. Clean your liver and enhance your pancreas for about a month or so
    before starting on your detoxification program. See Chapter 8 for

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