The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

others have developed cancer and other disease conditions because of the
introduction of live bacteria and viruses into already toxic human beings.
Such devastation created within the human organism will take us many
generations to overcome ... if we wake up fairly soon.

a spiritual perspective

We do not need to live in fear of nature’s laws and the creatures that uphold
them. We must simply learn how nature works. Parasites do not create or
cause disease, they are only feeders. We often forget who created everything,
and that this Creator knew just what to do and how to make things work. A
look into the wonders of the physical body should make a believer out of

Just stop a minute and consider: “What gives you your awareness?” Not the
thought processes of learning, comparing or deciding, but the awareness
behind the thought—the you that is you whether you’re in your car, at the
beach, or at home; the you that you can’t escape from no matter where you

You are always present, for time is nothing more than a succession of Nows.
You, as awareness, always live in the present moment. The mind, however,
lives in time—past and future.

Take time to observe yourself. Learn to relax. Control your thinking
processes. Stop desiring so much, and learn to live each moment fully. Enjoy
and experience each moment for what that moment brings; then enjoy the
next moment for what that moment brings. Living in the past or future is
living a “dead” life. Life truly exists only in the eternal now.


We are all familiar with the word “bacteria” meaning those single-celled
organisms without a true nucleus. There are several different types of
bacteria. First, the rounded or spherical-type, which occur as single cell units
called micrococci, or as pairs called diplococci. In this category we have the
cluster-type called staphylococci, which is well known, as is the chain-type
called streptococci. Cubical groupings of this chain-type are called sarcinae.

The second type of bacteria is the rod-shaped or bacilli. If they are oval-
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