The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

shaped they are called coccobacilli. Those forming chains are called

Third, we have the spiral-type, of which the rigid ones are called spirilla.
The more flexible spirals are the well-known spirochetes. The curved spirals
are called vibrios.

Bacteria are microscopic, and they live and thrive in lymph congestion.
Lymph tissue, remember, is your septic system, which moves cellular wastes
and by-products of metabolism out of the body. These wastes and by-
products can appear as mucus on the skin, in the gastrointestinal tract and
throughout the body where toxins are present. Bacteria love complex sugars,
milk and starch by-products. This is why, when you “catch” a cold, the body
starts purging the lymphatic system, causing a discharge of this mucus and
the parasites feeding within it. One notices this purging especially from the
sinuses, lungs, kidneys and bowels. However, the body also starts purging
itself throughout the entire system, causing that “achy-all-over” feeling.

There are bacteria (also called flora) all along the GI tract helping the
body to break down foods. Many vitamins are created by the actions of
bacteria. A good example of this would be the various bacteria that live in
your GI tract that create B-vitamins from the breakdown of the foods you eat.


Another type of parasite is the proteus or proteolytic type, which are the
protein-splitters. Like the herpes virus, this parasite attaches to or enters
weakened cells. These are acid type parasites, which thrive in the body when
it becomes overly acidic. Their job is to decompose proteins or weakened
cells. When a healthy cell is living in an alkaline environment, you will never
see this type of parasite. However, a diet high in protein is a calling card to
the most destructive parasites. High protein diets over-acidify the body
causing damage to the liver, pancreas, and especially the kidneys. This also
creates body odor because of the excess of undigested proteins that are stored
interstitially in tissues.


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