The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

We have been discussing the microorganisms. Now let’s look at the larger
“boys”—worms of all types, as well as flukes—which can become a major
problem within us. There are many types of worms: pin, hook, round, spiral
types, and many different varieties of tapeworms. They can grow and travel
throughout the body, but especially love the liver, heart and GI tract,
including the stomach. I have seen worms even in the lungs. Tapeworms, of
course, can get very large and long. I have personally seen them twenty-six
feet long.

In one case, a middle-aged female had her gallbladder removed when she
was in her early twenties. At the time she had a lot of pain both in the
gallbladder area and in her back. But when the removed gallbladder was
examined there was nothing wrong with it. Over the next twenty years the
pain grew intensely. She could not eat excessive fats or dairy products or she
would vomit. Her stomach area became extremely sensitive to touch. She also
began eating her meats very rare, almost raw. When I started her on my detox
program she found three large tape worms in her stools. Now the pain and
sensitivity in her abdomen are completely gone.

Another case that I worked with was a young butcher from Portugal. He
had severe neurological weakness, very similar to multiple sclerosis. Based
on his rate of nerve decline he was given two months to live. As soon as he
started the detox program he started vomiting handfuls of worms. Within
three months of detoxifying he was driving around Lisbon again.

Years ago, adults use to “de-worm”—that is, remove the parasites from
their children every spring. Day-to-day activities and the ingestion of foods
bring many parasites into the body. These parasites then become feeders on
our own toxins and weak cells. Many times worms grow in the intestinal
tract. After several years, they then become the problem causing a multitude
of symptoms. We have forgotten some of the basic facts of life, especially
when it comes to parasites and their role in nature.

Many people have flukes (which look like little jellyfish) and mainly
grow and accumulate in the liver and pancreas. When they grow in the
pancreas this can cause digestive problems and diabetes.


Keep the body pure and clear of mucus and impurities, and strengthen your

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