The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

occurs naturally, chemically, in an acid environment. Alkalization is essential
for the removal of this “protective shield” of plaque which itself can become
a problem.

Most people consume 90-100 percent acid-forming foods. Eating this
way keeps the body’s pH factors acidic. The acid by-products after
metabolism also add to this already over-acid condition, causing
inflammation (fire), which is a killer of cells. As stated earlier, the body, in its
infinite wisdom, tries to compensate for this by several methods, including:
steroid production, cholesterol (lipid) plaquing, calcium extraction, and
electrolyte or fluid retention. This attempt by the body to alkalize itself is only

Check for acidity

Buy some litmus papers, also known as pH-testing papers, and keep checking
your saliva and urine, approximately one to two hours after you eat. This will
help you to see what is causing your over-acid condition.

Alkalization is key to tissue regeneration, to the breaking up of stones,
and to the removal of plaqued lipids. Lipid plaquing from
inflammation/acidosis causes poor circulation leading to tissue death, heart
attack and strokes. Acidosis also creates a coagulating of fats and nutrients,
which also leads to strokes, heart attacks, memory loss, graying of hair, pain
in tissues, stone formation and other conditions.

REMOVING THE FIREWALL, SAFELY — It is not difficult to remove this
plaque and to break up lipid-type stones if you consume an 80-100 percent
raw-food diet. Raw foods remove inflammation through alkalization and
increased steroid production, thus dissolving stones and plaqued lipids. This
will unclog the body, increasing blood flow to tissues, which in turn increases
nutrition and energy to cells. This will restore or regenerate these weakened
areas. Such restoration does not take very long if you are persistent with the


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