The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

The adrenal glands greatly affect the quality of life that each individual wants
to and can experience. This is why you should always seek to strengthen all
the cells/glands in your body. Your body is your transportation while you are
on this journey in the physical world. Disease and weakness locks you away
from life, while health and vitality make you more a part of it. Enjoy your
adventure into health. It’s more rewarding than you can imagine.

Let’s look at some other problems that can arise when the adrenal glands
are weak and the diet is predominately acid forming.


Women are especially hard hit in the area of adrenal weakness. One of the
first indicators of this is low blood pressure. With underactive adrenal glands,
blood pressure starts out below 118 systolic and eventually can swing the
other way, creating high blood pressure, or it can keep getting lower.

Another indicator of adrenal weakness for women will be trouble with
the menstruation cycle. In this situation a female is likely to begin her
menstruation early in life, at anywhere from three- to twelve-years-old. (Yes,
I have known of three-year-old females menstruating.) She often has
excessive bleeding and her monthly cycle is not on time. The opposite can
also happen: women having sparse and infrequent periods. However, this is
not as common.

Adrenal weakness in women can also manifest as fertility problems, lack
of sex drive, frigidity, and vaginal dryness. If the adrenal weakness
continues, she can develop ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic issues,
a-typical cells, fibromyalgia, and breast, ovarian, cervical and/or uterine

The main issue, of course, is estrogen. Without proper progesterone and
other anti-inflammatory steroids a woman becomes estrogen dominant. The
estrogen levels in her body, especially ovarian estrogen, dominate without the
counterbalance of progesterone. Most estrogens are acidic, especially ovarian
estrogen, which breaks down the inner lining of the uterus each month. Of
course progesterone stops this, and heals the inflamed tissue while repairing
the damaged cells.

Because of estrogen’s ability to break down the uterine lining, birth
control pills are made from estrogen. Estrogen stimulates a woman’s natural

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