The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

hormones (steroids) such as estrogen or testosterone. These types of
hormones or steroids, when unchecked by anabolic (anti-inflammatory)
steroids, which are produced in both the adrenal glands and the gonads, cause
additional inflammation. All this leads to tumor or fibrocystic formation and
the destruction of cells. Estrogen is one of the primary examples of a very
acidic/inflammatory-type hormone. When allowed to go unchecked by
steroids, estrogen eventually causes degeneration of tissue through
inflammation. Breast, uterine and ovarian cancers are the results of this.

Parasites and mutations are almost always involved with both types of
cancer. Parasites do not feed on healthy tissue, only tissue that has become
weakened or is dying. They definitely live and breed in “toxic waste dumps”
in lymph and lymph nodes. I think cells also release their own virus (protein)
when they become too weak to support life. These viruses and parasites cause
cells to mutate in response to the invaders. Your immune system is designed
to eliminate these types of cells. This is why we see an abnormal immune
response in the presence of cancer or any degenerative condition. As a matter
of fact, your immune system is designed to respond to any type of invasion—
be it parasites, foreign proteins, which include your own weakened cells, and
any other pathogen that doesn’t belong or can cause harm to the body. This
would include acids from metabolism or digestion that can damage cells and

Cancer doesn’t just suddenly appear. It used to take years to form tumors
or to degenerate tissue. However, with the pounds of chemicals and
hormones that most people consume each week, tumors can grow within
months or even days. This is also true of hormonally-fed cancers. Hormone
imbalances are mainly due to chronic endocrine gland weakness, especially
weak adrenal glands.

The word and condition known as “cancer” was virtually unknown until
humans started playing with vaccines and toxic chemicals. Contaminated
vaccines have been blamed for many conditions that people now suffer from.
One such vaccine is the polio vaccine. As we’ve mentioned previously, in the
early to mid-1950s it was determined that polio vaccines manufactured in
monkey kidney tissue became contaminated with a monkey virus called
simian virus number 40. This virus is known as Sim-40 or SV40 and has
been proven to cause cancer in animals. It has also been linked to
mesothelioma (lung cancer) and multiple myeloma (bone marrow cancer).
This is just one vaccine. How many different vaccines have you had? And
what are their side effects?

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