The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

natural killer cells (NK) ,including the T-cells (thymus) and B-cells (bone
marrow). These natural killer cells are much larger than the smaller
macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, etc., that do basic body cleanup. We
have an army inside of us that is always active. This process is extremely
necessary for internal survival. The weaker a cell or tissue becomes from
inflammation, toxicity, or even genetics (and the parasitic response to these),
the more immune response will be needed. The increased elevation of white
blood cells is in response to all of the above, and especially to foreign


It is vital to clean, strengthen, and thus regenerate your cells and tissues.
Detoxification is the process one must go through to accomplish this.
Detoxification naturally begins as you alkalize yourself through a raw food
diet. This process strengthens cells by removing the obstructions and acids
that cause inflammation and block nutrition to your cells. Detoxification
allows cells to gain nutritional energy and to properly eliminate their wastes
via cellular respiration. This then begins the rebuilding process within the

It has been proven that diets high in animal protein are cancer causing.
Animal protein is acidic (inflammatory), putrefactive and congestive. The
congestive aspect is caused by the mucus, formed from its abrasive and
putrefactive aspects. The toxic chemicals, vaccinations, and hormones eaten
by or injected into these animals also create tissue toxicity within the body.
This causes your immune system to respond, causing inflammation. Meat
also causes a biochemical imbalance within your body. The high levels of
iron and phosphorous push out your calcium, magnesium, and other vital
electrolytes, which then weaken and dehydrate your body.

As you can see and imagine, one cannot treat cancer, which is created by
the above, with chemotherapy that acts on the body like Draino® acts on
your plumbing system, or burn it away with radiation (fire), either. Both of
these choices cause more cancer, or cause cancer to move (metastasize) to
areas where these therapies have destroyed or weakened the cells and tissues.
Radiation destroys the oxygen-carrying and utilization factors of a cell.
However, glucose can still enter through the cell membrane wall. This
eventually causes fermentation within a cell, and that cell will die from auto-

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