The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

through our program and other programs, in Mexico and other countries. A
big factor in recovery is the support of friends and family members.

Some people act as if they are sleeping through life, totally conditioned and
controlled by society in their thinking and reacting. Some, thank goodness,
are a little more open and aware of God and the unconditioned or
uncontrolled levels of awareness. Many people are afraid of what they don’t
know or haven’t learned or experienced. I have seen many family members
ridicule their loved ones for using natural health as a means of getting well. I
have seen them constantly tempting their loved ones with food and snacks
that they know are bad for them. I have seen friends do exactly the same

This type of ridicule or disregard comes from unawareness and a lack of
understanding of the importance of their loved one’s or friend’s need to get
well, and the consequences if they don’t. Many family members have actually
helped to kill their mates or children by stopping them from using natural
healing as one of the only true ways to get well.

Be strong about your decisions regarding health. One of the most important
factors in getting well is your strength and self-discipline. Spend time by
yourself. Getto know who you are. Become strong within yourself. This is
your road to health, no one else’s. This will allow you to be strong with your
friends and loved ones. Teach them what you have learned, as everyone
needs to get well.

Remember, most people ignore their health problems until it is too late. Don’t
be one of them. Get yourself well and healthy now, and be an inspiration to

This is why detoxification is essential in the elimination of cancer. By
alkalizing and cleansing your tissues and fluids, your cells will begin to
strengthen, and the sludge of toxins that snuff the life out of your cells will be
gone. This then brings a tremendous joy, energy, and vitality.

Out of 100 clients who came to our clinic and followed a detoxification
regimen, 80 were able to eliminate their cancers. I know of no better way to
heal, clean and rebuild the body than through detoxification and regeneration
of its cells, through diet and herbs. If you take responsibility for your health
and open your heart, it is unbelievable what you can accomplish. Don’t allow
anybody to tell you that there is nothing that can be done. We’ve had
individuals who were given only one day or even hours to live who pulled

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