The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

these neurological weaknesses have an adrenal weakness as a precursor.

In all neurological issues, including injuries, it is vital that the adrenal
glands be enhanced along with the rest of the endocrine gland system. It is
also vital to live on a 100 percent raw food diet. I had a forty-year-old female
brought to me one time with advanced multiple sclerosis. They brought her
lying on a stretcher, completely rigid. After three months on a fruit diet she
could sit up, feed herself, and even mobilize her own wheelchair. Since she
was so thin and small I needed to encourage her body to produce more
muscle tissue, so I started her on vegetable juices and salads, as these foods
are full of amino acids. Guess what? She lost her mobility temporarily. Why?
The answer can be found in the difference between the electrical charge of a
fruit versus that of a vegetable. When I put her on a diet of fruits alone she
began to regain strength. The power that raw foods have to revitalize the
physical body is almost unlimited. I’ve seen the body pull itself back from
some pretty precarious edges. It took a while for this young lady to
regenerate herself, but with such a degenerative condition it would naturally
take a significant time to turn the body around. A predominately fruit diet
was essential to maintain nerve response.

It is important to realize here that your body cannot regenerate itself with
toxic chemicals. Toxic chemicals are seen as invading foreign proteins that
will only serve to further acidify your tissues, creating further damage, and
constant inflammatory immune responses that have to be treated with steroids
—causing a vicious circle. Electrical stimulation is not the answer either.
People dance around the truth refusing to embrace it. Money is generally the
motivating factor. Because of greed, people would rather create
moneymaking “treatment” systems (like illness-care institutions, drugs,
surgeries) than learn the underlying truth about disease.


Strengthen every cell in your body through diet and herbs. Remember
Alkalize, Alkalize, Alkalize! It is the only way. I also recommend a high
quality, herbal, brain and nerve formula to further strengthen the spinal
column, nerve centers and brain tissue. Also it is essential to enhance the
adrenal glands. This is where a great many of the body’s neurotransmitters
and steroids are created.

Another consideration in neurological disorders and injuries is the
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