The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

thyroid/parathyroid. The parathyroid hormone is necessary for proper
calcium utilization. You can find out how well your system is working by
taking the Basal Temperature Test (see Appendix A). With good calcium
utilization and an all raw-food diet your success is almost guaranteed.

At the very least, the quality of life of those suffering from nerve damage
are much improved with the elimination of urinary tract infections, over-
spasticity, pain, cellulitis, obesity, and deterioration of tissue. At the very best
they experience total recovery. The whole body can become healthy and vital

Don’t ever give up or believe the body can’t regenerate itself. Our bodies
become very acidic and toxic from the foods that we have been taught are
good for us. The body cannot regenerate when it is full of inflammation,
mucus, parasites, toxic chemicals, metals and excessive hormones. Dead
animal flesh, cooked mucus-forming dairy foods, acidic “fatty” grains and
refined sugars only serve to destroy the body. Become alive again.
Regenerate yourself and let the miracles begin.


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