The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

cell in your body is a genetic cell. However, some are weaker and some are
stronger. And weak cells can lead to glandular weaknesses, which are then
passed from generation to generation. Each generation becomes weaker
unless someone begins to strengthen his or her genetically weakened cells.


As a society we have become extremely emotional and codependent—that is,
emotionally and mentally weakened. This has a profound effect on obesity, as
we have been taught to substitute sweets or refined foods—so called “comfort
foods”—in times of emotional weakness and pain. Since we are frugivores,
sweets fit our biological needs. However, these sugars should be simple
sugars, not complex sugars, which are mostly stored as fats.

If you wish to change your life, spend time with yourself and get to
know who you truly are. You are Divine. God created you, so you are God’s
expression. Individuality is the name of the game in creation. Learn to enjoy
the fact that you are one of a kind. We all come into this world alone, we live
alone except for the company of those with whom we wish to spend time,
then we die alone. We are always alone within ourselves. Begin to love
yourself because you are all you have, except for God.

Your mind is the most powerful tool you use to create with. How you see
yourself dictates your experience. If you wish to be thin, see yourself as thin.
Most obese people do not feel thin so they have a hard time seeing
themselves as thin. By feeling thin you will begin to see yourself as thin.
Changing your diet to fresh raw fruits and salads makes the body feel thin,
light, and clean. The diet recommended in this book will melt fat away and at
the same time enhance cellular function, increasing your vitality.

Work on your endocrine gland system as well, especially the thyroid and
adrenal glands. Eating a raw food diet and using herbs can regenerate literally
everything. Rebuild yourself —it’s fun. Become happy with yourself and
enjoy God in every moment. Let anger, envy, jealousy or hatred go, and
bring in the love for all life, as all life is Divine.


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