The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

In trying to lose weight we often try high protein diets. High protein diets are
very toxic to us, especially when this protein is from animal sources. Your
body must spend a lot of time and energy to break these protein structures
down into simple amino acids before your body can use them. The body
cannot use protein structures at all. Of course the energy that is needed to do
this will cause stored fat to be broken down as the body scrambles for energy
to achieve protein conversion.

Amino acids are your building blocks for tissue growth and repair. They
are not designed or used for cellular fuel. If we try to burn amino acids for
fuel, which causes excessive energy demands, we will lose liver, pancreatic,
and kidney tissue and function in the process. Our muscle tissue will also tear
itself down; we then become weakened and in many cases die. Yes, die.
There are thousands of deaths from protein-related toxicity each year. Protein
is acidic and high in phosphorus (nitrogen) and iron which pushes your
electrolytes out, especially calcium. Being acidic, it causes inflammation and
mucus to build up in the body. This all eventually leads to cellular death. It is
important to understand the true biological needs of our bodies and the
devastating effects of high protein diets.


Sugars are the fuel necessary for cellular life. However, these sugars must be
simple sugars, as found in fruits and vegetables. The complex sugars found
in grains, refined sugars, dairy products, and the like, cause fat storage and
are acidic and highly congestive.

Eating a diet of raw fruits and vegetables gives you mega-nutrition,
including simple sugars and amino acids. These foods will slice the weight
off—especially if you eat them 100 percent raw. This will also clean you out
and start to enhance the thyroid and adrenal glands. Remember glands,
glands, glands! Your glands control all your 76 trillion cells. They affect your
digestive metabolism, sugar metabolism and fat metabolism, all of which
determine weight and energy levels.

Excessive Thinness

Many people suffer the plague of excessive thinness due to poor digestion—
problems with the pancreas and malabsorption in the digestive tract. When
one fails to properly break down foods into building materials and fuels, or

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