The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Your skin is the largest vital organ you have. Its jobs range from temperature
control and protection to elimination. Your skin is also the largest eliminative
organ you have and is sometimes referred to as your “third kidney.” Your
skin is supposed to eliminate each day as much as your lungs, kidneys and
bowels do. This elimination is in the form of mucus, toxins (acids) and gases.

The effects or by-products of many of the foods you consume will
congest and inflame your system. Skin conditions are only signs of this
process. As the body attempts to eliminate these by-products, you can
experience anything from dandruff, pimples and rashes, to dermatitis,
psoriasis and skin cancer. Psoriasis and skin cancer being the most toxic and
parasitically involved of all the skin conditions.

Parasites are scavengers. They are found anywhere there is toxicity and
dead or dying cells, including in the layers of the skin and on the top of the
skin. You can call all these symptoms “diseases” if you want, however the
cause is always the same. Only the degree of seriousness is different. Most
allopathic medical doctors use cortisone or steroids like prednisone to treat
these skin conditions, which only serve to drive the toxins and parasites
deeper into the tissues, thus blocking proper elimination even further.

As the skin and eliminative organs become backed up with toxins, so
does the liver. If you have any skin conditions—from ordinary pimples to
dermatitis or psoriasis—you must detoxify yourself, especially the lymphatic
system, liver, kidneys and bowels. Stop eating dairy products and refined
sugars, all of which cause heavy congestion within the tissues of the body.
Fungi love this type of congestion and toxicity as a food source. This creates
a condition called Candida albicans, which is a yeast overgrowth. Yeast is
part of the fungi family. You can kill most of these fungi (yeasts) with any
good herbal parasite formula. However, if you do not remove the toxicity and
congestion they feed on, they will be back.

Fevers are one of the greatest tools the body uses to help eliminate
through the skin. Increasing the body’s temperature increases perspiration,
thus increasing the elimination of toxins, poisons and mucus. This is why the
body will produce cold and flu-like symptoms as a result of parasitic attacks,
stimulation, or detoxification (alkalization). Never stop a cold or flu-like
symptom or a fever. These are not diseases, but a natural response by the
body to increase the elimination that is vital to getting well.

If you do not sweat, your skin becomes congested, leading to dryness or
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