The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

inflammation. Many females have this problem so they use moisturizers to
make the skin soft and oily again. This only adds to the problem, as these
lotions add to the congestion in the subcutaneous layers of the skin.
Congestion and toxicity block the skin’s oil ducts and exit pores, making the
skin dry and scaly. The health of your skin is an internal issue not an external
one. In other words, a healthy body inside means healthy skin outside. If you
must feed the skin externally, use pure, raw, organic grape seed oil or olive
oil. Or mixed tocopherol vitamin E, jojoba oil or pure essential oils would be

If you have hypothyroidism, which 60 to 70 percent of the population
does, you will have a difficult time perspiring. The thyroid gland affects
one’s ability to sweat, either making you sweat too much or not enough. Lack
of exercise and low activity is another reason people do not sweat enough.
Refer to Chapter 9, Healthy Habits, and read the sections on cold-sheet
treatments and dry skin brushing. These are just two simple ways to increase
skin elimination. A raw food diet is just as essential to great skin health as it is
for the health of any cell. When your skin begins to prolapse (drop) or
wrinkle, this is not old age. This is skin weakness.

You must care for your skin as you would any vital organ. Remember
that the thyroid and liver are related to the skin, so detoxify the liver and keep
your thyroid functioning properly. Use the Basal Temperature Test (see
Appendix A) for a more accurate determination of your thyroid function.

Enjoy healthy skin. As you detoxify and regenerate, your whole body
will thank you and pay you back with robust health. I have helped people of
eighty and ninety years of age to regain vibrant, healthy, wrinkle-free, toned
and tightened skin. The body is a most wondrous, intelligent machine. Take
care of yours, as it is your vehicle during your earthly stay.


Mind, Emotions and the Cells

Up to this point we have been discussing the impact and effect that the
various foods and toxins you consume have upon your body. Let’s examine
the more subtle processes that affect you and your body and also create

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