The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Thyroid (Endocrine Gland System)

Weakness or failure of the thyroid will show up as:

Obesity (if your pancreas is weak, you can be thin and still have a
thyroid weakness)
Low Metabolism (can give you poor digestion)
Low Body Temperature (cold extremities and cold intolerance)
Hair loss and balding
Failure to sweat properly, affecting skin elimination (creates dry skin and
other conditions)

Parathyroid (Endocrine Gland System)

Calcium requires a parathyroid hormone so it can be utilized properly by
your body. Failure to utilize calcium results in:

Bone loss (Osteoporosis, spinal deterioration or herniated disks)
Bone (calcium) spurs
Arthritis (adrenal gland weakness must also be present)
Connective tissue weakness, causing prolapsed conditions (dropping) of
skin, bladder, uterus, bowels, and other organs
Varicose veins and spider veins
Nerve weakness
Spasms, cramping of muscles, convulsions
Ridged, brittle or weakened fingernails
Anemia (low calcium causes poor iron utilization)
Ruptured Discs
MVP (mitral valve prolapse—heart)

Adrenal Glands (Endocrine Gland System)

Linked to the nervous system, inflammation, carbohydrate utilization, healing
and repair of tissues. Weakness or failure of these glands will be seen as:

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