into consideration when dealing with the heart and circulatory issues. The
following are some of the symptoms the body will manifest when these heart
and circulation tissues are affected:
Poor circulation leads to cellular death (which leads to a multitude of
Gray hair
Memory loss
Chest pain or angina
Feeling of “heaviness” or “weight” on top of your chest
Petechiae (bruising easily)
Blood Regurgitation (back flow) from weak valves (causing chest pain)
High or low systolic blood pressure (adrenal gland relationship)
High diastolic (bottom number)
Tired feeling (especially during exercise)
S.O.B. (shortness of breath) from water buildup, congestive heart failure
(CHF), and myocardial edema (fluids around the heart). Water build-up
is an inflammatory issue from acidosis.
Low endurance (also adrenal gland relationship)
Cramping or spasms upon exercise
Contributes to lymphatic blockages, causing sluggish lymphatic issues
All types of heart arrhythmias (however, thyroid and adrenal gland
weakness is mostly to blame.)
Skin (Integumentary and Eliminative System)
Your skin is the largest eliminative organ you have. It’s supposed to eliminate
as much waste each day as your kidneys and bowels. However, when the
liver, bowels and lymphatic system is backed up, this overburdens the skin
and it becomes sluggish and impacted. This causes many of the skin
conditions that exist. On top of this, when the thyroid is weak it becomes
more difficult to sweat. This inhibits proper elimination through the skin even
more. A breakdown of the skin’s normal functions will result in:
Skin rashes
Dry skin
Boils, pimples, etc. (related to lymphatic system)