The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
incisors (cutting teeth) in the front part of the jaws
Jaws—multi-directional, up-and-down, side-to-side, forward and
backward creating a grinding effect

Urinary system:

Kidneys—(urine) alkaline



Humans and primates (apes, chimpanzees, monkeys)


Mainly fruits, nuts, seeds, sweet vegetables and herbs

Digestive system:

Tongue—smooth, used mainly as a shovel Salivary glands—alkaline
digestive energies start here
Stomach—oblong with two compartments
Small intestines—sacculated for extensive absorption
Liver—simple and average size, not large and complex, like carnivores

Eliminative system:

Colon—sacculated for extensive absorption
GI tract—twelve times the length of the spine

Extremities (limbs):

Hands (upper)—fingers for picking, peeling and tearing
Feet (lower)—toes Walks upright on two extremities

Integumentary system:

Skin—pores, with minimal hair
Sweat glands—includes millions of perspiration ducts

Skeletal system:

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