The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

I have seen bones and backs straighten and strengthen themselves—from
curvatures (scoliosis), old fractures, and similar conditions. I have also seen
complete spinal cord severations reconnect after more than ten years. I have
seen glands and all types of tissue rebuild themselves.

Your body is a living, conscious machine. It can rebuild itself after
surgeries, major cuts and wounds, so why not after nerve damage or atrophy?
The truth is, it can! But not on a diet of dead animals and other cooked, dead

Regeneration has three main components to it: Alkalize, Detoxify and
Energize. All three work together and are inseparable. Alkalization is vital to
tissue regeneration because it is anti-inflammatory It builds electrolytes for
proper ionizacion, oxidation and neutralization. It allows for proper cellular
respiration and for disbursement of nutrients throughout the body.

Detoxifying, of course, cleans all the obstructions, irritants and
stimulants, like mucus, heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides out of your
body. This allows for proper digestion, absorption, utilization and

Energizing your cells with energy from living foods is also vital to robust
health. Without the power of live foods, which are full of nutrition and
electricity, you cannot accomplish alkalization and detoxification.

Detoxification is the only way to establish a true homeostasis within the
body. This homeo-stasis can then be elevated to unlimited heights.

Vitality and vibrancy should always be one’s goal. Life then becomes
exciting, joyful, and bubbling with energy.

Take the time for yourself and don’t settle for anything less than total
health—free of disease. The road to regeneration is not the easy way. It can
be filled with ups and downs depending upon your toxicity levels and
weaknesses. However, regeneration is the only way to lasting health, vitality
and longevity.

Up to this point we have covered a lot of information about you—the
type of species your physical body belongs to, and the types of food that are
best suited for your body. We’ve examined how your physical, emotional
and mental bodies work. We’ve discussed foods and their chemical make-up,
and we’ve covered those foods and chemicals that are toxic to you. We’ve
also covered various disease symptoms, what they are, and what causes them.

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter: What do we do about our health
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