The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

their bodies with bad fuels—foods that leave a lot of residues in their tissues
—they must clean the body out, or suffer the consequences. Diseases are
nothing more than signs and symptoms that reflect the body’s need to clean
and rebuild itself. Fresh, uncooked foods, especially fruits, are self-cleansing.
They not only feed the body, they keep it clean internally as well.

Detoxification is truly a science and an art unto itself; a necessary
response to the consumption of toxic and congestive foods that have clogged
and obstructed the human body. In nature, detoxification is a continual
process that all of life goes through, at one level or another. The process of
cleaning your body of toxins, mucus and acidosis can create symptoms that
are seen as diseases by some doctors, and so we have been taught to fear this
natural process.

All life in the physical world takes in energy, metabolizes it, and then
excretes the remains and by-products. Most of the time this is done
automatically. However, the human is the only species on this planet that
chooses to eat foods that are not harmonious with its species. Humans also
choose to alter the chemistry and energy of the foods they eat by processing
and cooking them. This changes the nature of these foods and the way they
are metabolized. Many of these foods then become irritating, mucus-forming,
and inflammatory to the body. Some foods, like processed grains and dairy
products, act like glue in your tissues; and others, like meat and processed
foods, contain deadly chemicals and heavy metals. Added to this destructive
situation is the chemicalized air we breathe and the products we use on our
bodies and in our homes. The external environment also exerts its influence.
“Acid rain” has resulted from so much acidic air pollution from factories.
Now, almost every breath we take is acid-forming.

All these toxic and mucus-forming substances will change the way the
body eliminates. In other words, cooked and processed foods slow down
body elimination and, in most cases, the toxic by-products of these foods are
stored or plaqued in the tissues. This blocks proper cellular respiration,
causing a cell to become hypo-active, slowly losing its ability to function.

Many disease symptoms are nothing more than the body’s effort to
eliminate these stored toxins and mucus, some of which we began storing in
utero. Most pregnant women consume milk, meat and other toxic foods,
thinking that they are building bones and muscle tissue in the fetus. This,
however, just adds to her toxicity and acidosis, thus increasing tissue
weakness. The same is happening in her fetus.

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