The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

parasites, increases white blood cells, and creates inflammation, all of which
affect the body’s ability to function properly. This congestion and
inflammation eventually leads to cellular death.

The clearest example of this congestion and inflammation problem is
seen with dairy products. These proteins are so abrasive to body tissues that
many people can feel their lungs, sinuses, ears and throat becoming
congested as they drink or eat these foods. Congestion will impair the
function of the tissues in these areas as the mucus is stored or pushed deeper
within the body. Much of this mucus and these toxins are stored or filtered
through the lymphatic system, especially in the lymph nodes. (Lymphatic
cancers are extremely high in the U.S.) The body is constantly trying to
eliminate this congestion through processes like colds and flus, bronchitis,
sneezing, and coughing. The conventional medical profession sees this effort
by the body to eliminate these toxins and mucus as “diseases” and tries to
stop this effect with toxic-chemical pharmaceuticals which only add to the
problem. These preparations suppress the body’s elimination of the mucus
and/or poisons. The immune system becomes suppressed and overworked as
it battles this tremendous insult to the body. Remember: what you don’t
eliminate, you accumulate. This eventually leads to chronic and degenerative
issues, not to mention simple boils or tumor masses.

Many people eat predominantly acid foods. Consequently, notice how
many types of inflammation (itis’s), ulcerations, congestive disorders, and of
course cancers dominate our world today. Because of the high nitrogen or
phosphorus content of these foods, we lose our calcium and other
electrolytes, as our body uses these alkaline minerals to buffer acid elements.

It is best to only have 10-20 percent of acid foods in your diet. Alkaline
foods should especially be eaten in the spring, summer and fall when
temperatures are warmer. In the cold alkaline winter, one should increase acid
foods somewhat. Remember, opposites attract, creating harmony. When it’s
hot (acid) outside, you need to consume cold (alkaline) foods, and vice versa.

You may wish to look ahead at the Alkaline/ Acid Food Chart now (see
Chapter 7, Module 7.2). This chart will help you to know which foods are
which. This section also explains how the alkaline or acid nature of foods is
determined. Remember, because homo sapiens are an alkaline species, our
bodies are biologically suited for predominately alkaline-forming foods.
These foods will bring health and vitality, whereas acid-forming foods will
bring disease and despair. The choice is yours.

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