The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

parasites are killed during these high fevers through both heat and the
increase of white blood cells.

It has been stated that fevers above 106° kill cancer cells. At 110°
Fahrenheit, you begin to kill your healthy cells. Elevated temperatures are
created from the thyroid gland and hypo-thalamus by the cellular release of
interleukin-1, which then stimulates and releases the prostaglandin E2
(PGE2) from the hypothalamus, which in turn creates diaphoresis (sweating).
This dilates the vascular system and creates activity in the sweat glands.
Sweating pushes the toxins out through the skin; these toxins are then
oxidized (eaten by skin mites) or washed away. This is vital in assisting the
body in proper elimination. Fevers stimulate the immune sys tem to increase
white blood cells and interferon. This enhances the immune system
considerably, calling out its army to do battle.

The body has its own intelligence; we only need to understand it. Never
fear a natural process that the body uses to help itself stay healthy. Fevers are
just one of the mechanisms used to accomplish this. Don’t fear a fever—
understand it! If you fear anything about fevers, it would be dehydration.
Most people, through acidosis, are always dehydrated to some degree. Learn
all you can about the ways of nature. This will help you immensely on your
journey toward health and vitality.

Working with a Fever Caused by Detoxification

In case of high fever, keep yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of distilled water,
fresh fruit juices or vegetable juices. You can place a cold cloth on the back
of the neck and forehead, and you can also take a cold bath. Do not suppress
this natural reaction of the body. NOTE: Liquid minerals may be added to
your water or juice for better hydration. This can be very important in highly
depleted cases.

Inflammation does not always need to be eliminated. Inflammation from
a histamine response is one method the body uses to dilate the vascular
system, which brings in additional blood and immune factors during a crisis
or when an irritant is involved. Hot and cold compresses can help. There are
many anti-inflammatory botanicals available, e.g., Wild Yam Root,
Marshmal-low Root, Slippery Elm, Comfrey (leaves and root). Inflammation
is always acidic, so alkalize, alkalize and alkalize! Raw fruits and vegetables
are your best alkalizers. Sodium is called the “Great Alkalizer.”

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