The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

production, which weakens the nervous system to the lungs. This can result
in sensitivity and irritability of the nervous system. Add to this a
hypofunction of the thyroid, which causes low calcium utilization, and you
have spastic conditions of your tissues. Clean your lungs out. Enhance the
function of your adrenal glands, and check the basal temperatures of your
body to determine thyroid involvement (calcium utilization). It is highly
suggested that a health care professional closely monitor this process in
advanced lung conditions.

Working with Asthma and Lung Congestion During Detoxification

Asthmatics and people with lung congestion may use a castor oil pack with
hot cayenne compresses placed over the lung area on the chest. (Directions
for making and administering a castor oil pack are given in Chapter 10.)
Drinking a cup of Peppermint tea followed every ten minutes with a teaspoon
of the tincture of Lobelia (up to 6 teaspoons). Lobelia is an antispasmodic at
low doses and an emetic at higher doses. This might induce vomiting in some
individuals. Vomiting will compress the lungs and expel the phlegm.

Alternating hot and cold compresses are also good—apply a hot
compress for 2 minutes, followed by cold compress for 2 minutes, then
another round or two of each. You may wish to use an antispasmodic herbal
formula. This will control the spasms allowing you to breathe and to
expectorate the mucus.


As stored toxins are broken up and released from the tissues into the blood
system, the side effects of that particular toxin or poison may be re-
experienced. Generally speaking, the older the individual, the greater the
accumulated toxins. Glandular weaknesses, lowered immune system
functioning, unhappiness, chronic lung involvement, thyroid and adrenal
weakness, and malabsorption are all factors that can cause serious energy
loss. Sugar imbalances can also cause energy changes. More rest is needed at
different times, especially when all stimulants (like coffee, tea, and refined
sugars) are removed from the diet.

We are a society that relies on stimulants for energy. This eventually
weakens our true energy centers, the glands. When we stop our intake of

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