The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

stimulants, we can experience a whiplash effect and feel quite fatigued. This
will soon pass with the ingestion of living foods and juices. It is important to
understand that the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) is weakening your
physical body, not strengthening it. Those foods create a lot of inflammation
and toxicity in tissues. When you add stimulation to this package you can
begin to see why we develop tissue failure.

Most cases of “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” are not the Epstein-Barr
virus. This virus can cause fatigue. However, it is an easy virus to kill. (If, in
fact, a virus is an organism. Because viruses are so small, an electron
microscope must be used to see them. “Viruses” are considered by many
scientists to be more of a protein, which involves an immune response,
instead of a single-celled living organism, like bacteria.)

The real cause of so much fatigue in our society is thyroid and adrenal
weaknesses. When these two endocrine glands are weak, the results can be
fatigue, depression and anxiety. These glands must be regenerated if you
truly wish to overcome chronic fatigue. This will not happen overnight, but if
you persist you will be successful. A raw food diet and herbal formulas are
the secret.

Working with Lack of Energy or Fatigue During Detox

The stoppage of all stimulating foods can cause a large energy loss. This is
especially true if a person has hypoactive thyroid or adrenal glands. These are
your energy glands, which become weakened from acidosis and toxicity.
Stimulating foods actually have a negative effect on these glands making
them weaker instead of stronger. The constant stimulation from coffee, tea,
etc., hides this fact from you. Most of our energy throughout our lives comes
from stimulated cellular activity.

Energy should be dynamic, not stimulated. Drinking 3–6,10-ounce
glasses of carrot, spinach and celery juice per day will help increase energy
levels. Eating as much fresh, ripe fruit as possible will help. Panax Ginseng
extract, Royal Jelly, Alfalfa, Barley Green Complex, and/or a well-balanced
super-food complex, will also aid in increasing energy levels. (See the
Resource Guide for where to find the finest super-food blends.) Rest and time
are also great healers.


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