them completely as you approach this process of detoxification and
regeneration, here are some of the things that I, personally, would do:
FIRST — This program normalizes blood sugars. If I were a diabetic, I
would watch my sugars daily and adjust my insulin accordingly or have my
doctor help me.
SECOND — This program lowers blood pressure when it is too high, and
raises it when it is too low. If I were taking medications for high blood
pressure I would monitor my blood pressure regularly. I would not want to
give myself hypotension or low blood pressure. This could make you faint,
have equilibrium problems, or worse. It’s not wise.
THIRD — I would always reduce my use of medications slowly. However,
high blood pressure and diabetes may require a more rapid termination of
medication and can be done without side effects.
Some medications “lock” you in and cause your body to become
addicted to them. This is especially true with neurological medications and
some steroids like prednisone. Always ask your doctor to help you. If he or
she refuses, then you have no choice but to do it for yourself. Many medical
doctors get angry and upset if their patients try to help themselves. Many if
not most allopathic doctors have no training and education in detoxification
and regeneration; therefore they tend to disparage what they don’t know.
This viewpoint leaves many disgruntled people to seek their own ways. This
is one reason why this book is being written. Remember, it’s always your
choice. Live healthy, live medication free.
Note: It is rare to have reactions between herbs and medications.
However, it is always possible. Simply observe yourself and how you feel.
You will know if the things you are taking are reacting with each other or
not. Use common sense and work with your natural health practitioner.
Most individuals do not experience many of the previously explained
symptoms. In general, the more toxic the person, the stronger the “healing
crisis” that may occur. Always remember that a healing crisis is very
important and extremely beneficial. The symptoms or discomforts are all part
of the cleansing process, as the toxins and poisons in the body must be