For those taking multiple chemical medications, have your healthcare
practitioner help you to wean (or titrate) off of these. The advantages of
leaving these medications behind will become self-evident as your blood
sugars normalize, and your blood pressure drops back to normal. High blood
pressure is obviously a reflection of obstructions in the body and acidosis.
Most people with high blood pressure actually have low blood pressure.
When their bodies are detoxified, their blood pressure will reflect this. Your
systolic rate can drop into the low 100s, 90s or even 80s, depending upon
how weak your adrenal glands are.
No matter what your healing crisis looks like, never lose sight of your
goal: total health. Achieving your goal will be worth the discomfort of any
Never fear a healing crisis or cleansing, as these are as natural as the
sunrise every morning. Look forward to these cleansings. With each one you
will feel better, and you’ll be much healthier for your efforts.
Increased energy—many times more dynamic and dramatic
Deeper breathing (greater lung capacity)
Increased sense of smell, taste, and hearing
Tumor reduction or elimination
Loss of lymphatic swelling
Greater strength in previously weak areas
Increased circulation
Gray hair begins to disappear (goes back to natural color)
The skin begins to tighten and become softer
Clarity in thinking
Improved memory
Disease symptoms disappear
Blood sugars normalize
Blood pressure will normalize
Deeper relationship with God and Nature
Higher sense of happiness, joy and well-being
Skin blemishes (like pimples, rashes, etc.) disappear