The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
Bowels move better
Improved kidney function
Voice strengthens
Heart arrhythmias disappear
Improved eyesight
Overall sense of well-being and vibrancy comes back
Reversal of the “aging” process
Never get “sick” or “catch” what’s going around
And much, much more.


DEHYDRATION — Keep yourself hydrated with fresh mineral water or
freshly juiced fruit and vegetable juices.

OVEREXERTION — During a healing crisis try to conserve your energy.

TOO MANY PESTICIDES — Pesticides can cause shortness of breath and
“hypo” conditions of the endocrine gland system and nervous system.

PUSHING IT TOO FAR — If you need to slow down or stop the cleansing
process temporarily, start eating some cooked foods. Try to make do with the
minimal amount, if possible, like some steamed vegetables or whole grain
rice. This will lower the body’s systemic energy for a time and it will stop the
intense cleansing. As soon as you can, resume the cleansing program.

FEVERS ABOVE 103° FAHRENHEIT — In adults and children such
fevers should be controlled by cool baths and the like. Children can naturally
have high fevers, especially around 104° and 105°. Keep the child cooled
down with cold washcloths and cool baths. There’s a fine line between
interfering with the body’s effort to clean and heal itself and simply allowing
your body freedom to do as it chooses. However, a slight fever would be no
cause for concern, and require no control. But with higher fevers we want to
carefully monitor the body and control those situations that could cause more
severe side effects. Remember, always keep the body hydrated by drinking
plenty of water or fresh fruit juices. But don’t over-hydrate yourself either.
Balance is key.

IMPATIENCE — When you start energizing and alkalizing your body, it
will start to clean itself out. Always remember that the body is doing this
cleansing. You can use herbal formulas to increase the cleaning action of

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