The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

congested lymphatic systems, to kill parasites, and to enhance the function of
your organs and glands. However, your body has its own rhythm of healing
and cleansing itself. Be patient.

DON’T OVEREAT — Animals generally don’t eat at all when they’re sick.
Your body was designed to heal itself and clean itself out, as God is at work
in all its mechanisms. All you have to do is feed the body properly.


It is important to be smart in helping your body to detoxify itself. Again,
there can be a fine line between helping or hindering it. Have some common
sense about this whole process of detoxification. Each person is unique. What
an asthmatic goes through may be totally different than a case of uterine

The healing process is truly magnificent. It’s part of a “Letting Go” that
frees you on so many levels, yet few understand that. Embrace Life, Health
and God!

If as you cleanse you experience side effects such that you feel you need
to go to an Emergency Room—GO! I spent many years working in them.
They are there to help in a crisis. It’s just too bad that most ER personnel
don’t understand about the detoxification process and the “healing crisis.”
During these times, which are generally rare, review Module 6.5, What to
Expect During Detox.


Below is a list of First Aid items to have in your home to aid your
comfort level during a detoxification process.
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